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Latest Armstrong stuff ... Hey, look! A dead horse!!!

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Pilot, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Hey Mizzou, regardless of Armstrong's guilt or innocence, re: "faggy yellow bracelets," blow it out your ass, you pompous prick.
  2. joe king

    joe king Active Member

    Because as was mentioned earlier, it's really hard to catch someone -- see Barry Bonds, Marion Jones, Jason Giambi, et al. None of them tested postitive, either. It took the anonymous syringe and the BALCO case blowing wide open to get to the point where we believe they juiced. Many of the drugs of choice, such as EPO couldn't be detected until very recently, and there is still no reliable test for human growth hormone (there is a test that was used at the Olympics, but it's still considered pretty shaky by most experts).

    And as far as outing Armstrong, tons of people close to him -- friends, teammates, people who worked for him -- have come out and said he was juicing (See L.A. Confidential, and most recently, Frankie Andreu's testimony). None of it sticks because none of it 100 percent irrefutable (very little is, other than a positive test), and the majority of Americans still sees Lance as clean (as opposed to Marion and Bonds, whom most people believe are guilty) because they want to believe in his squeaky-clean All-American boy cancer-survivor fund-raiser image. I'd venture to say the average European belives he's been doping his ass off.
  3. rgd

    rgd Guest

    I didn't think anyone wore those adorable yellow bracelets anymore. I thought that was a 2003 thing.
  4. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Those bracelets are indeed faggy.

    Now my little black spaghetti strapped dress and red pumps? Perfectly acceptable!

    As for Lance...I recently saw a pix of Ms. Crow and she is ripped beyond belief...I wonder if she didn't "catch" cancer from raiding her bf's medicine cabinet?
  5. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    So let say, just for argument's sake, that Lance used roids awhile back and that's why caused his testicular cancer. All that happened prior to winning the Tour seven consecutive times. Are some of you arguing that, after he got up off his death bed, stopped puking up blood, and beat back cancer, he then WENT RIGHT BACK TO USING THE SAME DRUGS THAT ALMOST KILLED HIM? Doesn't make a lot of sense. I think there is little dispute that Armstrong never could have won the Tour had he not gotten cancer. Cancer, and chemotherapy, changed his body mass drastically and permanently, and also gave him the mother of all motivations. Physically and mentally, I'm not sure he's ever able to make the leap from "promising, but ultimately undisciplined" young cyclist to "maybe the best ever" if he doesn't get cancer. And maybe I'm being naive, but if steroids (or HGH) did nearly kill him, I have a hard time believing his first reaction was "Well, I just didn't get the cocktail right. I'll get back to the lab, take more of this shit, and become the best cyclist ever."

    And just to be clear, before someone mentions it in an attempt to further take a shot at him, Armtrong's wife did not nurse him through cancer and chemo, only to get dumped later when he got rich and famous. He met her while he was already in remission.
  6. Jim Tom Pinch

    Jim Tom Pinch Active Member

    I love that supposedly intelligent folks are still using "faggy" as an insult. If you can't do better that, you're an ignorant bigot.

    This is not an opinion, I've come to easily and I don't respect people to agree with it: Lance Armstrong may change the world and help someday cure cancer. My best friend died at 28 after three bouts with cancer. If what he does might someday save people from going through what she went through. I don't care what he ingested to get there.
  7. Well, you certainly don't have your priorities in order.
  8. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    Again, no expert, but: are any of those books or claims as solid as Game of Shadows or the leaked court stuff? If there was credible evidence out there, how did he still manage to win that court case about getting the bonus money? Why does he file lawsuits against everyone that writes about how he used?

    Just in the 10 seconds of research I just did on Google I saw he filed and settled a lawsuit against a British newspaper than quoted the LA Confidential book. Dude doesn't play around. He has to be VERY confident to attack so much and risk so much money.

    Did anyone accused by Canseco or Game of Shadows ever file? I thought Bonds did, but not accusing libel, for something different.

    Let me play devil's advocate -- Bonds, Jones and Giambi never tested positive (uh ... kind of), and they've all been the subject of books and articles claiming they used and all came and went without libel suits. None of that is true about Armstrong. To me, it seems like you can deny, deny, deny all you want if you're listed in one of those books, but you're basically admitting you're full of crap unless you file. They call got caught, even if it wasn't by a test. I don't see where Armstrong has been caught yet. Again, the best evidence against him seems to be logic.

    Which, takes me back to my first post on this thread. He was damn smart about it. I say that because an awful lot of people do get caught either by tests or by hard evidence. People seem to get careless about it at some point. He never did. I understand how careful you would be now (though there are clearly still people who haven't figured out how to beat the system, i.e. Gatlin, Landis), but to be so careful in 1999? To cover the tracks so well back then? Those were the days of andro in the locker, and there's no way he knew -- even after winning in France once -- how big he'd get and how scrutinized his wins would be for the next six years.

    Since it seems like we're going in circles, I guess I'll leave it at this: I'm impressed with how he's dealt with it. I'm sure they all cheat and clearly a ton of them get away with it, but few, if any, have taken it as well as Armstrong and no one is as aggressive in fighting over it as he is. So at least in that aspect, I'll say job well done.
  9. Vic Mackey

    Vic Mackey Member

    Not a comment about Armstrong's guilt or innocence, but, Pilot, you should know the difference in libel laws between countries. British libel law is notoriously skewed against the defendants -- but the American version relies on the plaintiff to show proof.
  10. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    Sorry. Slept though Libel around the world .... ah hell, I slept through Libel 101 too.
  11. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    Lance Armstrong=American Fraud.
    There is no longer any doubt that this man is a lying, cheating and back stabbing jerk with a ego the size of his home state. How much more proof do we need that he cheated? Tests that were positive, teammates admitting to using EPO, his best buddy Floyd Landis failing his recent tests. If you manipulate your testosterone levels correctly you can virtually assure you never will be caught. Landis just got sloppy because Lance was not there to guide him along.
  12. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    I need question marks in your posts. Not proof that he was cheating.
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