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Late-night writing

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by tonysoprano, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member

    Well, I'm up hammering out a story and listening to some blues while I drink iced-tea to stay awake. Time for a little A.D.D. theater....

    *Anyone else torn by ESPN's sappy, Make-a-wish series? I guess I got tired of all the stories where little Jimmy, a burn victim and orphan with no eyes, became a star baseball player, but my goodness some of these segments I've watched (like with Todd Helton and Tedy Bruschi) have got me emotional and choked up.

    *I really can't wait for college football to start. Anyone getting the same jones?

    *Good C.D. for those who haven't checked it out- "St Elsewhere" by Gnarls Barkley. Some unique, creative stuff.

    *Where does Heidi Klum rank among the most beautiful women in the world for you all? She's in my top three.
  2. GlenQuagmire

    GlenQuagmire Active Member

    This has to be as random as a night out with Larry King.


    Announcer: If you're not reading Larry King's News and Views in USA Today, then you're missing on the issues that matter.

    Larry King: This is News and Views, here's my two cents, gang..

    If you only see one film the rest of your life it should be "Mickey Blue Eyes".

    When it comes to window blinds, vertical blinds are terrific, but so are horizontal blinds.

    Has anybody ever died of a heart attack? I mean, really?

    I don't care what anyone says, in my book, Ted Kaczynski is not the Unabomber.

    Sudden thought: When did sugar diabetes become plain old diabetes?

    Of all of the figures of the 20th Century one of the greatest has to be Robert Urich.

    I have no tolerance, gang, for anyone who commits arson.

    World Series prediction, it will be the Diamondbacks in 4.

    The more I think about it, the more I appreciate the equator.

    I don't ever remember seeing a Mormon, not once, not ever.

    Is it just me, or is anyone else sick and tired of Nelson Mandela?

    Here's the dirty truth, gang, Poland spring water does not come from Poland.

    I interviewed Chile's imprisoned dictator General Pinochet last week, and take it from me, guys, this fella has a terrific laugh.

    Does anybody remember baseball cards?

    Between Hurricane Hugo and Hurricane Andrew, nothing beats Hurricane Hugo.

    My wish for the new millennium is that we see a lot more of John Larroquette.

    Family update, folks: Holding my baby son, Chance King makes me realize how much more I love him than my other children.

    Announcer: This has been USA Today's News and Views with Larry King.

    Larry King: Margarine has its place, but nothing beats the real deal... butter.
  3. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member


    Oh, my head's hurting. That's funny shit.

  4. GlenQuagmire

    GlenQuagmire Active Member


    Announcer: If you're still not reading "Larry King's News & Views," then you shouldn't be reading at all.

      Larry King: [into the camera] Blue is wonderful but yellow is the best color.

      I don't care what anyone says, in my book, Jeffrey Dahmer was not a cannibal.

      When actor Harry Hamlin is on the tube, it's impossible to look away.

      Two "must-dos" when visiting Atlanta: you must visit the Martin Luther King Memorial and you must try the cole slaw at Ezra's.

      Here's my question of the day, folks: Why are reservations good if you make them at a restaurant but bad if you force Indians to live on them?

      Of all the hosts of "The Tonight Show," one of the two or three greatest has got to be Johnny Carson.

      Announcer: This has been USA Today's "News & Views with Larry King."

      Larry King: Somebody ought to tell all these cigarette smokers - it just ain't safe, gang!
  5. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member

    Priceless. :)
  6. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    A good friend of mine works for Make-A-Wish and set a local youngster up to meet with Tracy McGrady for a day. T-Mac supposedly went way above the call of duty, inviting the kid over to spend it at his house in Houston.

    The show is supposed to be on next week.
  7. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member

    Cool. I don't know what it is, but I've sat there very moved.
  8. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    Yeah, sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to have that kind of effect on people. Especially children. It's got to be deeply humbling and moving if you've got any kind of heart at all.

    I'd like to think I'd spend plenty of free time trying to cheer kids up if I were in those guys' shoes.
  9. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member

    Well, I've helped provide Christmas presents to underprivileged kids and it's some of my happiest memories.

    I guess in a cynical, sometimes cold and cruel, job, it's nice to be reminded my heart hasn't turned to stone.
  10. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Mine has. I hate the Make a Wish segments and wish they would die.
  11. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    I have been moved by some of the stories. But I'm also tired of the crass exploitation of these kids to further pump the Disney name (sick kids Disney is great sick kids Disney is great sick kids Disney is great) and Chris "The Big Picture" Connelly's ham-handed presence. This was an actual dialogue tonight:

    CHRIS to sick child's parent: "Who is his favorite player?"
    PARENT: "Todd Helton."
    CHRIS: "Why?"
    PARENT: "Because Todd hits for power and (child) wants to hit for power too."
    CHRIS to sick child: "Who's your favorite player?"
    CHILD: "Todd Helton."
    CHRIS: "Why?"
    CHILD": "Because he hits for power and I want to hit for power too."

    That's the fattening-this-up-because-we-don't-have-enough-material TV version of:

    Coach Jones thought the key to victory was the defensive alignment the Tigers used in the second half.
    "Our key to victory was the defensive alignment we used in the second half," Jones said.

    But I'll tell you, when the sick girl's best friend came running out of centerfield at Safeco to join the rest of the team for a reunion during Monday's segment (the girl's wish was to attend a Mariners game with her ex-teammates, but her best friend moved across the country and wasn't supposed to be at the reunion), it got awfully misty in here. Wonderful moment. Unfortunately, it I recall correctly, that girl, in particular, has a bleak prognosis.
  12. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I hate to threadjack (although I get the feeling this thread's made for it), but I noticed BYH's sig photos of The Hoff and it reminded me of something I've been meaning to bring up.

    Anyone else watch this America's Got Talent nonsense? It's complete and utter shit, but the greatest part is The Hoff is a judge. You get what I'm saying? David freakin' Hasselhoff is being paid money to decide whether other people have talent.

    I caught a piece of one of the more recent shows in which The Hoff is just hammering this juggling dude. This is a guy who just spent time in the hospital because he nearly died from a cut he received while shaving. And he's questioning the talent of a juggler.
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