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Last night's out-of-this-world phone call.

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Starman, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Damn young'uns have to go and change EVERYTHING!!
  2. JBHawkEye

    JBHawkEye Well-Known Member

    We got a call one night from a woman who said the moon had exploded. She saw it one minute, then looked up the next and there was a big cloud of dust.

    Starman's call is better than that one.
  3. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Hate to go off topic, especially considering I didn't read the thread at all as Starman wrote it and it's probably about Larry Brown again, but I hope everyone survived that horrid interstellar accident last night.

    I've been wearing a miner's helmet all day so I don't take any shrapnel from that space station.

    What an ignoble death, first the astronauts couldn't use the bathrooms in space (true story), then they collide with the moon (yeah ... that too).

    I'm sure the AP will report this, but a reminder to you deskers/wire/copy editors out there that these are the first deaths on the moon since 1980. That's when Zod, et al, murdered an entire lunar mission after being freed from the cover of the Rolling Stones' Through The Past Darkly album by a nuclear explosion.


  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    While Clark Kent sits on his ass in the Daily Planet newsroom trying out his X-ray vision on Lois Lane's underwear, the astronauts' screams into the radio microphones go for naught. The next day at the Planet news meeting, with the corpses of three astronauts lying fresh on the moon, bulldog editor Perry White assigns his two top writers to do an expose on tourist-trap ripoffs at Niagara Falls. Thanks a lot, Superman.
  5. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    A lot of people don't know this, but the Rolling Stones' 2,000 Light Years From Home was written by Zod in a reflective moment inside the prison cube/album cover.
  6. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    They'll know it when Zod storms into the White House this November.

  7. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I'd kneel before Zod before I ever kneeled before Bush.

    Wait ... that didn't come out right at all.
  8. Flash

    Flash Guest

    This just in: Bubbler doesn't like Bush.
  9. 366.

    There was a weird call to our sports desk about 15 years ago about how someone took a parachute to a lake on a windy day (no parasailing boat, just the chute and a harness), and he called in to say how his buddies managed to prevent the chute from taking off in the air from a gust of wind, calling it a "great save."

    I said, "Have another beer," and hung up.
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    That's pretty professional. :) I like it.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    that'd be more acid than weed.
  12. MacDaddy

    MacDaddy Active Member

    A blog post would have a similarly sized audience.
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