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Kornheiser on Eli Manning

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MTM, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    I don't think calling NFL quarterbacks "mediocre" is fair.

    For years, coaches at the college level have put their best athletes on defense, and for the most part, linebackers and secondary guys are the best athletes on the field.

    There are millions and millions of people out there, and only 90 or so NFL quarterbacks. These guys aren't bad. There are just better athletes on defense.

    Now, bad kickers on the other hand ... that one confuses the shit out of me.
  2. MacDaddy

    MacDaddy Active Member

    No one's calling NFL quarterbacks mediocre compared with the general population. There are a couple of QBs who are head and shoulders above the rest, and then there's a lot of mediocrity.
  3. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    Eli Manning is not overrated. He's definitely the best qb from that draft class. Would he be number if he wasn't a Manning? I don't know. But he's got alot of talent. He'll be a great NFL qb, no doubt.

    P.S. You wanna' talk overrated? Let's talk about the other qbs that came out of that draft class(Phillip Rivers, Ben Roethlisberger)
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I copy this as proof that Manning is not the best quarterback. Please notice the source.

    Where's the part that you tell us that Michael Vick is still better than any of them?
  5. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Fanboy vs. fanboy. This should be interesting.
  6. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Uh huh. And your team loyalties never shine through in your posts.

    I was about to argue with Chuck when he wrote that Manning was definitely the best quarterback in that class, then I realized who had posted it and given his past judgement of quarterback play I realized it would be pointless.

    But thank you for contributing absolutely nothing.
  8. pallister

    pallister Guest

    We both contribute nothing: I'm just more efficient at it.
  9. pallister

    pallister Guest

    A running pointless pissing match thread would get a lot of traffic around here.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Uh oh...deleted posts.

    And yes, pissing matches do tend to draw traffic.
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