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Karl Rove: Atheist?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Freelance Hack, May 6, 2007.

  1. I disagree, at least as regards to the large religious right organizations.
    If there were a conservative atheist who lined up with them on their pet issues, and a devout Christian who didn't, they'd go for the godless guy, any time. Hell, these are people who believe there's a legitimate theological argument to be made on gun control and the estate tax.
  2. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    I speak from having lived among and covering those sorts of people. I've seen how it plays out first hand. You?
  3. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    To be honest, Fenian, Abraham asked God for a son because he was afraid he was going to die and have to pass along everything to a servant, since he was childless.

    So the whole Jewish population was promised by God because Abraham didn't want his stuff to pass on to just anyone.
  4. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I agree with Fenian here. The GOP would much rather embrace godless rich men; there just aren't any left. The GOP just needed to form a coalition with some subset of the non-rich who consistently vote narrowly on non-economic issues. Ralph Reed and the fundamentalists were a perfect fit.
  5. Lived among less than covered, but covered extensively since 1979.
    There is absolutely no way a major religious right organization would endorse anyone to the left of the current president. Watch them line up behind Mitt, if he's the nominee, despite the fact that he belongs to what they regularly refer to as a "cult." They've made peace with Catholics, as long as they hold the correct political opinions, despite all that evangelical fuming about the Whore of Babylon in Rome.
  6. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Well I guess it depends on how far left that candidate's ideology is. If you had a candidate that was, say to the right of Mike Castle but definitely to the left of a Coburn, but was also a baptist preacher, I think the right would rally around him.

    Then again, I also think anyone who is a bible thumper would almost reflexively take the same positions that the religious right does pretty much automatically, and I doubt very much a self-professed atheist (which incidentially are non-existent in politics) would take those same positions. So pondering this hypothetical is probably as useful as a speedo on Ted Stevens.
  7. Kerry and Kennedy are both still technically Catholics since they paid for annulments. Those same annulments made bastards of their children (in the literal sense) just so Kerry and Kennedy could look good in the eyes of Catholic voters. Kerry and Kennedy threw their children under the bus in order to pander to the voters but lets not dwell on that because they are Democrats. Right? Isn't that what it comes down to?

    Oh - Fenian is the same guy who rates drunk driving among the worst of social sins but who also defends Ted Kennedy at every turn. I only point this out to show where Fenian's priorities and moral relevance lay.
  8. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    You think many "lefties" are going get worked up about the legitimacy or illegitimacy of children? That's a non-starter, Chris.
  9. I think you were trying for "moral relativity" there.
    I shouldn't have to say that you have utterly no proof of the "paid for annulments" charge but I will say it anyway, for the record. (And "some blogger said it once" doesn't count.) And the "legitimacy" question is moot because all the children are "legitimate" in the eyes of the law. As to the Church, well, I don't know exactly, but I'm fairly sure that, all rhetoric aside, the children are considered to be perfectly fine whether or not their parents' marriage is annulled
    Their children seem to be fine with their fathers -- appear with them, campaign for them, remain confident that Dad knows the names of the grandkids -- which, it must be pointed out, could not be said of the younger Reagans, poor souls.
  10. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Kerry and Kennedy should co-author a book on "Parasites and Politics: You can't have one without the other."
  11. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    Under the bus? Really?

    I'm missing the importance here. Were the kids forced to move out onto the streets? Did they struggle through life in any way? Were they denied some right because of their "bastard" disctinction?

    I'll tell ya, if I'm getting thrown under a bus, I want it to be that one.
  12. Fenian - you have to decide between the language police and the morality police. Please pick one.

    Saint Thomas Aquinas says, ""Holy Communion ought not to be given to open sinners when they ask for it." As far as I know - St. Thomas did not blog.

    Ted Kennedy for one is guilty of murder (which the last time I checked is a sin - you may argue the point but I'm guessing that the family of Mary Jo would disagree). And do you want to get into the adulteries of JFK or Joe Sr.? If we are to take Kerry at his word - then when he was in Vietnam he was worse sinner than than Ging-ass Kahnn (besides the fact that he had a child with his first wife - so either he was a fornicator or an adulterer for all those women he fucked since getting or while in the process of the annulment). And if he lied about his "exploits" in Vietnam (Christmas in Cambodia anyone?) - and has not yet confessed his sin - then he remains a "public sinner." Of course I am fully expecting you to profess better knowledge of Catholic Canon than St. Thomas.

    You may also want to wrap your mind around this quote:
    Was that some nut-case Evangelical or was that Ted Kennedy in 1971 when his election was not secure and he still needed the Catholic vote? Now he has the vote of people like Fenian who will vote for him no matter who he kills or how stupid his positions.
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