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It brightened my day....

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Rosie, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. Rosie

    Rosie Active Member

    Some of you may have noticed I was MIA for a while. The major reason was a major upheaval in my newspaper life, an upheaval which isn't completely over yet.

    No, I'm not giving details, but I have been rather (okay, completely) shell-shocked and feeling down on the biz.


    I stop by a friend's house today, and she wanted to show me a scrapbook someone put together for her son, who just graduated high school. He was a star basketball player on one of the schools I cover.

    Included in this scrapbook (which was beautifully assembled) were all the stories I wrote about the team this season, and all the pictures I took which had this player in them. Basketball was just a part of the book, but there they were, my stories and pics.

    This may sound corny to some of you, (and I don't care ;) ) but I was really touched. Here is this beautiful keepsake for this great kid, and I had an indirect part of it. Just when I was feeling so down on the newspaper business, here comes a reminder that what we do does mean something.

    I realize that we do not write for clippings to be put in a scrapbook and nor would I ever attempt to write for scrapbook clippings, but with what I had to deal with lately, to see what I wrote meant enough to someone to save and put in a memory book brightened my day. :)
  2. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    that's a great story, girl friend. that stuff's what life's all about. 8) 8) 8)
  3. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    ditto. wish there was something more profound to say.


    hey, at least you didn't find your mug all blown up on a page with big X marks on it, right? ;)
  4. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Like the corners of my mind
    Misty water-colored memories
    Of the way we were

    Scattered pictures,
    Of the smiles we left behind
    Smiles we gave to one another
    For the way we were

    Can it be that it was all so simple then?
    Or has time re-written every line?
    If we had the chance to do it all again
    Tell me, would we? could we?

    Mem’ries, may be beautiful and yet
    What’s too painful to remember
    We simply choose to forget
    So it’s the laughter
    We will remember
    Whenever we remember...

    The way we were...
    The way we were...
  5. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    There are those who believe that every vocation has an element of service to mankind in it. You've done your service if someone cherishes your work that way. May not be viewed as the utmost in journalism by some, but you've made a contribution that someone thought was valuable. Plus, when you left at the end of the day, there was proof you were there. No shame in any of that.
  6. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Actually, I disagree with your premise that we don't write for scrapbooks.
    We do -- at least if you write preps.
    No, you might not write a gamer or rip a coach with that in mind. But you just showed who you write for. 30 years from now, no one's going to remember the game -- but the ones you wrote about. You do it for a feature so someone can show their grandkids that their 280 pound grandpa did clear 6-4 in the high jump back in the day.
    You might not think about it and that might not be the reason you do it. But, at least with preps, you write for someone's scrapbook every day.
  7. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Rosie, I had a similar experience when I was leaving my first gig and bound for the left side of the country. A young hockey player wanted me to see his scrapbook and know that I had been a big part of his athletic career. I carry that memory with me and remember it when I get disillusioned with the business, which is a big thing for me right now, too.
    If I never write another story again, I'll know I played a role in making some kids feel pretty damn good about themselves on some days.
  8. Rosie

    Rosie Active Member

    As always, you guys are wonderful! :-*

    I would be lying if I said that the thought that something I write would wind up in somebody's scrapbook never crossed my mind. It does. I even wrote a column touching on that subject a couple years ago when the town the newspaper is in celebrated its centennial. The column had to do with how we had researched old issues of our paper for centennial coverage and how it hit like a ton of bricks that in another 100 years some other person would be reading my words to do the same.

    To see the feature I wrote on this player when he reached 1,000 career points spread over two pages, along with the photos was pretty cool, and extremely humbling.

    And goosebump moment number two happened just a little while ago after I checked my messages when I got home. I received a call from an older woman who read last week's column (it was about the camp I worked at, heck, grew up at, and is now closing). This camp is almost 200 miles away from here, but she used to work there and was wondering if I would be willing to meet with her and 'talk camp.' I never, ever thought I would hear from someone in this area who worked there, let alone heard of it! I know it's legit because of what she said in the message -- only someone who had worked at that camp would have used some of the terms she did. I'm going to call her Wednesday. And I'll even spring for the coffee at the cafe. :)

    For today, I am definitely feeling much better about this business than I have for quite some time.

    Oh, and Sxy, I'm sure there are a few out there who wished I had a big X on my mug! ;)
  9. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Rosie, glad to hear you got a bit of sunshine to break through your recent gloom. Good luck with whatever it is that's been happening in your career.

    I also wanted to say I love the original Twins logo. Nice to see it again after all these years. :) It took me a long time as a kid to figure out what the "TC" meant on the old caps. Actually, I think it was my dad who told me.
  10. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Great post. Rosie, I hope everything works out for you. :)
  11. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Back in my community newspaper editor days, I wrote a column about a young man killed in a car wreck that happened right outside our office and I was one of the first people on the scene. In the article, I wrote about how I felt like such a voyeur and all I could think about was the boy's family (I was not much older than he). I pointed out that simply by writing my column two weeks after the accident I worried that I was worsening the family's pain.

    The next day I received by special delivery a beautifully hand-written letter from the boy's mom, saying that my column was perfect and touched the family so and that she was copying it and putting it in as the last page of a scrapbook of the boy's memories.

    Twenty years later that remains the greatest moment of my professional life.
  12. huntsie

    huntsie Active Member

    I've had a couple of experiences like that and it gives me a charge to hear about it whenever I do. One, a guy I didn't get along with all that well when he played happened to hit the series winning home run that season. I wrote the game story. Years later, I bumped into his wife at a Wall of Fame induction ceremony and she told me she had it laminated and hung up at their home.
    It's nice to know that your work, and that moment, meant so much to them.

    Another time was just this past season. Two cousins scored key goals for the high school hockey team in this one particular game. I made note of the the fact they were cousins, their mothers were sisters and so on.
    Their grandmother came up to me later in the season and told me they had laminated a copy of the story and placed it at the grave of their grandfather, her late husband. That's not why we do what we do, but it's nice when it means that much to people
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