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Is There Anything More Intimidating in Sports???

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Mayfly, Jul 11, 2007.

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  1. Mayfly

    Mayfly Active Member

    Than the pre-game Haka by the All-Blacks Rugby team? I have been fortunate to witness this twice. In this video, you can kind of see the Australian players cowering a bit as they are huddled.

    What is an intimidating pre-game ritual or thing that you think is the best in sports?
  2. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Considering how good the All Blacks are, I doubt it. Either that or you'd end up getting served during the match.
  3. Kritter47

    Kritter47 Member

    The All Blacks' Haka is awesome. I'm surprised more teams haven't stolen the idea (though if more than one team did it, leagues and federations might get peeved enough to outlaw it).

    And this is what happens when you put New Zealand against Tonga. They both do a version!
  4. statrat

    statrat Member

    Its just absolutely primeval. Between that and the roar of the crowd and the fact the All Blacks are the studs of the rugby world, I'm surprised some team's haven't just forfeited right then.

    As far as U.S entries go, Trevor Hoffman entering in the ninth inning to Hell's Bells has to be right up there.
  5. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    Not even in the same ballpark, not the same league, and certainly not the same sport.

    Considering the quality of the All-Blacks, the brutality of the sport, the tradition behind the Haka, and the fact that rugby is not for the squeamish . . . . there is nothing more intimidating.

    "Before we kick your ass, we're gonna do this performance. And we'll remember the ones who dare to even crack a smile. The Maori among us, whose history you insult with your amusement, will take great pleasure in ending your ability to have children."
  6. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    For some reason I thought this was going to be a lame all-star thread about Randy Johnson.
  7. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    Am I mistaken, or does the Univ of Hawaii football team do a variation before its games? I think its a Pacific Islander thing.
  8. Kritter47

    Kritter47 Member

    UH adopted it last year after a Tongan player taught it to their team (interestingly enough, BYU does it too). There's a bit of controversy over the UH haka because the specific chants belong to the writers and/or the specific tribe that does the chant, and UH never got permission to use the one they did. Not a big issue, but the school made them change it up a bit.

    In preps, a high school in Euless, Texas (Trinity High School) does a haka before games going back a couple of years. There's a large Tongan population in Euless, and some Tongan linemen apparently started the young tradition.

    Tribal dances of this sort are a Pacific Islander thing. However, a haka is specific to New Zealand. And the All Blacks have been doing this before matches dating back to the turn of the last century when they were a British colony.
  9. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    JDV in a pose off?
  10. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    It is very, very cool.

    I'm trying to think about college traditions. The last game for the Illinois mascot on the court was cool, but nothing I can think of compares to the All Blacks.

    Soccer guys, anything in the Premiership compare?

    Oh, dotting the I at Ohio State gets us a little closer.

    The Army/Navy football game I would say is on par.

    EDIT - I was looking at pageantry more than intimidation.
  11. Big Buckin' agate_monkey

    Big Buckin' agate_monkey Active Member

    What, Ray Lewis' entrance at the Super Bowl doesn't qualify?
  12. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    I would think the crowd at Anfield singing
    pre- and post-match is pretty intimidating to the opposing players and fans.
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