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Irritating phrases we'll hear the rest of college football's regular season

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by ondeadline, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. Some Guy

    Some Guy Active Member

    Got no real beef with that one either. I think some of you people are a little too easily irritated.
  2. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I don't have a huge problem with "in space" either, as long as it isn't overused. It's descriptive. Certain plays -- bubble screens, etc. -- are designed to get playmakers in space rather than in clogged running lanes. How else would you describe it?
  3. Montezuma's Revenge

    Montezuma's Revenge Active Member

    "... the top-ranked Buckeyes''
  4. JD Canon

    JD Canon Guest


    other people's words shouldn't hurt your soul. remember sticks and stones?
  5. Jim Tom Pinch

    Jim Tom Pinch Active Member

    What would you use if needs to use interception twice in either the same paragraph or consecutive paragraphs. I don't writing it either, but I prefer it to repetitive language.
  6. I'd use interception 50 paragraphs in a row before I'd use something like "pick." Would you call a home run a "dinger" or "tater?"
  7. CollegeJournalist

    CollegeJournalist Active Member

    I would never refer to a INT return for a touchdown as a "pick six" in copy. It's loose enough -- and common enough now -- that I don't see a problem with it on TV, as long as it's not too often.

    In copy? Never.

    But I do use pick on second reference to an interception every now and then. It bugs me to write the same word over and over again in the same sentence/paragraph. So every now and then, I'll use pick. Just not often.

    And Ike, I would never use "dinger" or "tater," but I've used "homered." Not sure of the difference.
  8. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    "Lou, what's your expert opinion?"

    "Thankth. Lemme jutht thay thith . . . "
  9. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Active Member

    ____ (team) needs to shore up its _______ (defense/secondary/running defense...)
  10. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    "A young freshman."

    Compared to an old freshman?
  11. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    "lose contain" or "break contain."

    I know it's short-hand for containment, but I hate "contain" as a noun.
  12. Some Guy

    Some Guy Active Member

    yeah, that's more TV speak. Don't like it. Shouldn't use it.
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