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Hilarious gag pulled on a telemarketer

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by ondeadline, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    That circulation manager should have had his head dunked in a toilet for that.
  2. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    Exactly. Not to pile on, but it IS their fault they're in that job. Somewhere along the line they made a decision that led them down the road to that job. Kudos for doing whatever they can for making a buck now, but they are where they are because of their own choices. Because I believe that, I have no qualms about giving them a hard time or hanging up on them when they call.
  3. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    In every SportsJournalists.com thread, no matter the subject, there is a point where the discussion turns into a political pissing match.

    But to save bandwith, let's just get it all out here.

    LEFT: Oh so people completely control their own situations?
    RIGHT: Damn right!
    LEFT:Except the economy sucks and the national debt is skyrocketing and we're spending all our money in Iraq!
    RIGHT: Maybe because democrats created a welfare state where nobody knows how to fend for themselves!
    LEFT: Only because Republicans' fiscal policies stratified our economy so much that we NEEDED to put people on welfare!
    RIGHT: Clinton got a blowjob and Ted Kennedy is crazy!
    LEFT: Mark Foley! Halliburton! Mexicans!
    RIGHT: Cut and run!
    LEFT: Stay the course!
    RIGHT: You're an asshole!
    LEFT: Bush sucks!

    Yay. Now I'd love it if someone would post another telemarketer prank call. That was pretty damn funny.
  4. General Pinochet!
    The Haymarket Martyrs!
  5. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

  6. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    Good stuff there Daemon, and right on point, which is why I generally avoid the political threads. Moment of weakness on my part. It's just that that "it's not their fault" stuff really gets under my skin pretty quickly.
  7. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    No qualms, N-dub. I understand your sentiment, and I wasn't ripping you for posting it. Usually it isn't the first statement that sets it off, it's the defensive retaliation, often by a party who has no reason to take offense. When, in reality, we should all be sitting back and laughing together, because foibles are the most bi-partisan aspect of politics.

    It is very rare that one logs on to a SportsJournalists.com thread at the precise moment a shitstorm is about to ensue. I happened to get here at the right time. And I decided that a pre-emptive strike was appropriate.

    LEFT: Why don't you ask Bush how appropriate a pre-emptive strike was?
    RIGHT: Why don't you ask Hilllary and Edwards and the other dems who voted for it you revisionist pussy!
    LEFT: Pussy? Go ask Mark Foley how he likes pussy. Oh wait! He doesn't!
    RIGHT: Yeah well at least he didn't stick a cigar in a pussy!
    LEFT: Well at least Clinton worked to provide health care to the Cuban immigrants who made that cigar!
    RIGHT: Well at least Bush isn't in bed with the Big Tobacco companies that put the stuff in cigars!
    LEFT: You're right he's in bed with the oil companies who provide the fuel to fuel the trucks that distribute the cigars!

    And on. . .
  8. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Sorry to interrupt, but when did I mention:

    Mark Foley
    Big Tobacco
    Cut and run
    Stay the course
    Ted Kennedy
    The economy
    National debt
    John Edwards
    Pre-emptive strikes
  9. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Just now?
  10. JackS

    JackS Member

    Update: same company contacted me by e-mail yesterday and had me take another survey, and is now supposedly sending another check.

    The telemarketing call that just keeps on giving!
  11. SnoopCoog

    SnoopCoog Member

    Uh, the Houston Chronicle doesn't have a competing newspaper in the area. And please don't say the Houston Press or any suburban piece of trash.
  12. Good point. Whether it's right or wrong, lots of big papers see the smaller suburban dailies and weeklies as resources, not "competition." So, that's probably why you see big papers find story ideas for little weeklies all the time without attributing it, and then passing it off as a scoop. But, hey, the Houston Chronicle can talk to anyone the Houston Press talks to, but not vice versa, so why not? Like they say: It's okay to "steal" a story idea from a smaller paper, long as you write it better.
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