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Has Golf Digest (sigh) jumped the shark?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Nice call. The equipment reporting is lame. There will be weeds on the first tee at Augusta when a major golf mag trashes a big (advertising-buying) clubmaker's stuff.
  2. Drop the celeb crap and consider me your first subscriber.
  3. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    How to make content in a single-sport monthly new and fresh -- and thus hold onto subscribers for more than the average 2 years or so -- is a Sisyphian task. When I was at Tennis, we had a deal with the USTA that bundled a free subscription with each membership, which added about 250K to our annual subscriber base.

    Chris Evert discovered the magic formula to tennis publishing success a few years after she took over as publisher -- marry one of the world' richest golfers.
  4. Goldeaston

    Goldeaston Guest

    I guess I'm in the minority (here, at least) because I like all the tip stuff. It's always fun to try new things and new swings. Unless you're a scratch golfer, why not? And there are so many "I never thought of that" items when it comes to the different suggestions. I don't take playing golf that seriously, though, so if I try something new and skull it into a pond, it's no biggie.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    If it helps sell magazines, do it... I'd rather have other journalists bitch about putting a questionable person on the cover than have the mag fold and have a bunch of people out of work.

    That's reality these days...
  6. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    The Timberlake cover is also a bid to attract younger readers outside the over-45 demo. He's an interesting case -- a guy who can host the Nickelodeon awards AND score a GD cover.
  7. I'm outside the over-45 demo, on the under side. Perhaps, like Central Illosoisian(yeah I butchered it), I'm a grabby old guy trapped in a younger man's body.
    If I subscribe to a golf magazine. I expect to read about golf. Not entertainers playing golf.
    You want to go outside the over-45 demo. Great.
    Two words. Natalie Gulbis.

    Keep Timberlake, but don't put the guy on the cover and expect me to buy it.

    I can understand the season and the once-in-a-while ploy, but it seems like it is happending more and more with GD.
  8. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    When I hit the lottery, I will bankroll such a magazine for you.
  9. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    That works. Rather well.

    Another outlet for our propaganda ;D

    I've always wondered about the multi-page, fold-out, split-page instructional section. Apparently, it sells, but like many of you, it comes out as paralysis by analysis.

    Give me the Breaking 100/90/80 tips any day. They're more practical and easier to incorporate, largely because they focus on one element of your game each month.
  10. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Apparently, William Tell, you're pretty good at propganda lately... :D
  11. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Yeah, see, this I agree with. When I still got that magazine (can't remember which, I guess Golf Digest)...those were the most helpful.
  12. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Anyone remember Maximum Golf? That was an edgy golf magazine (I think they had a "cart girl of the month" pictorial) but it died after a year or two. There was another one called Fringe Golf that I'm not sure ever got off the ground, I wrote a freelance story for it and got paid quickly yet never saw it in print.
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