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Halberstam dead

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by spud, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    You might have been in the Journalism topics only portion when you did a search, and it searched in that area only, not the entire board.
  2. budcrew08

    budcrew08 Active Member

    Hey, that's the reaction both me and one of our other editors had... He remembered him for his coverage of Vietnam and news events, I remembered him mostly for Summer of '49 and much of his other sports material... But first thing we both said was "Hey, that name sounds familiar."

    BTW: It got put in our LIFE section. [sheepishly puts head down and walks away]
  3. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    We gave it an A1 promo, then it was the only story on A16 (back page of A section) with a headshot.
  4. diesel27

    diesel27 Guest

    Very, very sad day. Halberstam was one of the great ones. I can't believe there's people that work in this industry and have never heard of him.

    "The Teammates" was one of the best books I have ever read.
  5. ZummoSports

    ZummoSports Member

    You want to talk uneasy, my ME barely knows what's going on in his own newsroom?
  6. ColbertNation

    ColbertNation Member

    When I told my EIC, he said the news section was too full. It ended up getting about 20 inches of play, buried on the inside with a mugshot.
  7. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    Halberstam was the best, and a great teacher, and a great listener also.

    That obit shoulda been on Page 1 in all the big papers in this country.

    Sadly, in mine, it was buried deep inside.

    These people in my newsroom are relatively young, and it sucks when they have no idea of what this man meant to journalism and sports and everything else he did.

    None of them ever heard about the books he wrote, either.
  8. In Exile

    In Exile Member

    Anyone in this business who doesn't know who David Halberstam is and has not read any of his work has no business being in this business. It is beyond embarrassing.
  9. Ryan, today.


    Like the ending.
  10. RustyHampton

    RustyHampton Member

    Rick Cleveland's column...

  11. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    My local paper did an A1 tease and a B7 obit, but they're so consumer and "news you can use" oriented these days that I wasn't surprised.
  12. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    This week's SI ran a headshot and an extended paragraph in the "For the Record" section. Maybe the timing of Halberstam's death didn't allow more with their deadlines, but giving him 1/5th of a page didn't look quite right.
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