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Hacking his way to SI

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Moderator1, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. earlyentry

    earlyentry Member

    OK, you're right and I'm wrong. So the best newspapers now serve as the minor leagues. Once they've achieved success, it's off to where the real journalists play - Yahoo!, SI, ESPN. That's cool with me. I don't work for the newspaper business, either. Just pointing out what everyone already knows. You seem to have missed out on the trend.
  2. earlyentry

    earlyentry Member

    But if someone hires my fav New York Jets reporter from NT Times (Karen Crouse), I will flip out. She's certainly worthy as well as all the great reporters fleeing to the net.  I will miss Hack and his fine work from my favorite newspaper.
  3. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    I know virtually nothing about him, but I don't think there are many middle aged Damons (except Johnny).
  4. CarlSpackler

    CarlSpackler Active Member

    They truly have hired a complete Hack. In all seriousness, though, this has to be the first case I've seen of anyone doing something with a master's in journalism.
  5. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Probably right Hondo, but it's good stuff for us golf fans. If there wasn't GolfPlus I might have bailed on SI in recent years.
  6. thebiglead

    thebiglead Member

    Somebody can refute this, but apparently, golf covers at SI and ESPN the Mag outsell everything but the NFL ... and we all know it's about the cover.
  7. funky_mountain

    funky_mountain Active Member

    don't forget damon runyon.
  8. Do I need to break out the Pulitzer list again?
  9. sblust

    sblust Member

    Here's my favorite Damon Hack story:

    Damon was my intern in 1996 at the Sacramento Bee. We had a professional roller hockey team in town - the River Rats - that was hungry for publicity. Someone came up with the idea that it might be fun to have a reporter dress up as the River Rats' mascot and do a first-person story on it. Damon, the eager intern, jumped at it, put on this huge, stuffy costume and wrote a fantastic piece about the experience.

    I'll bet he's the first person to make the jump from being Ricky the River Rat to SI.

    Seriously, Damon is one of my favorite people in the business, and I congratulate him on the move.
  10. clingerman

    clingerman New Member

    serious question---is 35 considered young, old or in between in this business?
  11. That's what I wonder wonder, too.
  12. clingerman

    clingerman New Member

    i just turned 35, and find it a bit disconcerting. the gap from 22 and starting out to 35 and semi-established flew by ... and suddenly i feel old. am i? am i still someone who can look for new jobs? can i fulfill my dream of writing for an si or espn or whatever, and will they only want younger people?
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