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Good deals on razor blades?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PopeDirkBenedict, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Last summer my wife bought me an old-fashioned shaving mug, shaving brush, single-blade non-disposable shaver with disposable blades from Germany. I cut the hell out of myself every day for a couple weeks before deciding I was retarded and wasn't getting a really good shave anyway. I use the five-blade Turbo, against the grain vertically, then horizontally and then with the grain. I do love the mug, soap and brush, though. Haven't used the aerosol shaving cream since.
  2. Hell, I go at least a month as well. Gets a little painful toward the end of its tour of duty but not as painful as $8 a refill ...

    Frank: If there's anything I learned from those three episodes of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy is "Don't shave against the grain" even if it does make your skin feel smoother ...
  3. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Why? Will I turn gay?

    I used to just shave once a day, with the grain, but I found most women prefer not to have their lovely faces and bodies sandpapered by my bristles. So although it can irritate my skin, I try to get a very smoothe shave.
  4. I don't know. I just believe everything I see on TV. :D
  5. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    What did they say would happen? What? What?
  6. Razor burn ... ingrown hairs ... zits ..
  7. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    I have heard a lot of debate on the subject (OK, that might be a stretch), but some people swear by storing the business end of a razor in a small cup of food-grade oil or a type of oil specifically designed for razor blades, saying it makes the blade last longer. Others believe in a magnetic thingy you can buy at Sharper Image.

    Never tried either.
  8. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Someone ask Joe Torre. He shaves three times a day.
  9. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Actually, I miswrote yesterday. The five-blader I use is the Fusion, not the Turbo.
  10. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Add Cold Stone Ice Cream to that list... they spread coupons, 2-for-1 things... and then they charge $4 for a scoop.

    And the name of the razor is Fusion.
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