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For once, Simmons might be on to something...

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by PhilaYank36, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. See, I know Simmons is just a humorist. I'm not entirely sure Bill realizes that.
  2. I'm fairly sure I don't.
  3. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    Little's intent wasn't to kill, but he certainly showed a clear disregard for human life when he drove drunk even after he had killed a person. We can debate the similarities and differences between Vick and Little's crimes forever, but the question I would have is this: Are we prepared to say that Vick's actions were more reprehensible than Little's? Because judging from the public's reaction, torturing and killing dogs is a worse crime than causing the death of a human being. I don't think that reflects well on us. And don't tell me the difference is just because Vick is famous. It's the crime that turns people's stomachs, not the fact that the culprit was more well-known.
  4. Little's intent can be inferred by the fact that he got behind the wheel drunk and killed A HUMAN BEING.
    Doing so while shitfaced behind 2000 pounds of steel is morally light-years beyond anything anyone could do to a dog.
    I can't believe we're discussing this.
  5. bigbadeagle

    bigbadeagle Member

    I ordinarily agree with F. Bastard only on very, very rare occasions, but on this one, I'm with him.
    For one, we still don't take drunk driving seriously enough. Leonard Little getting busted for DUI after the first fatal incident should have been enough to merit hard jail time and a nice fat "thanks for playing, Leonard, but your services are no longer needed" from the NFL. There's no excuse for what he did. If he had gotten drunk and shot and killed someone, what then?
    And God, please don't let Simmons move to Canada. If he starts frequenting Horton's, I'm never going back. No TimBits, no soup, not a goddamn thing. Maybe we can hide Cows and The Keg from him.
  6. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    It's a racial thing.

    ....Ohh, Little is black?
  7. We'll stop him at the border, Eags. No worries.
  8. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    As I've posted many times before, Leonard Little:

    a) should be in jail for manslaughter. He isn't because of a jury made up of fucking morons.

    b) should have gone to jail for a LONG LONG time after the DUI conviction. He didn't because of pansy-ass laws which essentially say everybody is always innocent of everything, no matter what.

    c) should have been suspended for life from the NFL. He wasn't because Tagliabue was a limp-wristed hand-wringer.

    d) Should be, at this moment, on notice from Roger Goodell, that his career is officially on Strike 2.999, and if he ever so much as even spits bubble gum on the sidewalk -- especially if he is ever caught in public with any kind of alcoholic beverage -- he will never play in the league again.

    None of this has anything to do with Michael Vick.
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