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Fate of Rocky Mountain News to be announced

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MileHigh, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Parker told Westword (click on the link I posted earlire for the update) she's in the union and talked to a union rep. She thinks she's in the last-in-first-out camp.
  2. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I still have the copy of the final paper you sent out, MH. It's still in my desk in the manila envelope.
  3. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Yes it's been two years but I'm dredging this thing back up today. There's a reunion tonight to mark five years -- yes, five flippin years -- since the closure. I went back and read some of this thread since I'm out here. It's crazy what happened at the time and what has happened since. And grateful for everyone who reached out and who I have made connections with. There are more than 200 who have RSVP'd -- and it was open for anyone who worked there, just not at the end. It should be a great night catching up with friends and colleagues. Anyway thanks for indulging.
  4. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Mile, you guys kicked ass in Denver. I remember visiting for the first time in 2000 and looking at both papers back then before the JOA. Some of the page counts on some days were enormous... I remember picking up a Saturday edition and taking it out of the rack and going "Hoooooly crap..."

    Even after the JOA, I always thought you guys outdid the Post in a lot of areas. May the five-year reunion bring a lot of great stories. :)
  5. Morris816

    Morris816 Member

    I remember first reading the Rocky Mountain News when I was in high school. Always preferred the smaller paper size, plus there were several writers whose work I enjoyed reading. When I went to college and we could pay for paper subscriptions, I knew I wanted to subscribe to the News. I continued to subscribe after college when I moved to southern Colorado.

    It was a sad day when I heard the RMN was gone, even as I no longer subscribed after moving to New Mexico.

    I know the feeling of a paper shutting down out of the blue. It happened to me at my job in New Mexico. There were some telltale signs but I kept going because I loved my work, plus I knew so many readers personally.

    MileHigh, I always respected the work you and your staff at the News did. Hope everyone had a good time at reminiscing at the reunion and that you all have landed on your feet, whether you are still in the business or not.
  6. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, Steve and Morris.

    What a great night catching up with so many folks. Good turnout by sports, including Barry Forbis, Kevin Huhn, Dave Krieger and Drew Litton, among others. Mike Littwin and so many more. It was packed and loud and full of laughter. An incredible night catching up with everyone.
  7. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Is there anyone from RMN sports still at The Post? I know Legwold and Krieger have since left. Am I forgetting anyone?
  8. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    As far as I know, no, no one from the Rocky is on the Post sports staff full time.

    Tomorrow marks five years since the announcement by Scripps that it was getting shut down. Great to see so many people the other night. I saw a note that it was just short of 200 people who were there.


    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  9. LanceyHoward

    LanceyHoward Well-Known Member

    How many of the old RMN staff are at the Post? I know that the Post picked up a dozen or so but that a couple got fired. I think the political reporter that came over from the News is still there but is anyone else left?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  10. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Mile High, which place -- Rocky, Miami, OC Register -- has the best building,
    and the coolest newsroom digs? That RMN building looks pretty darn nice.
  11. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    The best digs were certainly the RMN building. Well, the last one. Tons and tons of space. Everything was newer -- the carpeting, the desks, the TVs, the computers. Plus it had better views than the previous building.

    The Rocky was only in that building for 2 1/2 years, August 2006 to February 2009, when the Post and the Rocky and the Denver Newspaper Agency moved into the same building (Rocky on the fifth floor, the Post on the sixth).

    The Post previously was across the street, on Broadway. The Rocky was down the street, on Colfax, across the street from the U.S. Mint.


    It got knocked down and replaced by a Justice Center.

    But I loved the newsroom at 1 Herald Plaza. The views of Biscayne Bay were great, and it had tons of energy in it. Loved going in there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  12. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Well, this is interesting.

    Six years too late -- and it was widely known that he was poking around the scrap heap back then -- but it came out today that Phil Anschutz, probably flush with stock market money that needs to be burned, is exploring bringing back the Rocky, with a prototype to gauge the public's interest.

    The original lead in the Denver Business Journal did not have the aspect that it's more than likely a ploy to drive down the price of the Post, which is what I and many other former Rocky people surmised when this news broke this afternoon. DFM has put everything on the market, including the Post, and Anschutz, who already owns the Colorado Springs Gazette, has long been seen as a buyer, the "knight" many folks at the Post are looking/begging for.


    This move certainly explains why the Rocky website suddenly went dark three months ago with no explanation. If you're the Denver Post, you hope it's a negotiating tactic.

    Will be interesting going forward, but if it does get revived, they better not use the design of that prototype. That thing is a disaster.

    Editor/publisher at the closing/burial John Temple told the Denver Business Journal: The Rocky "is more than a name. It's an attitude. It was a group of people committed to something they believed in. I love the Rocky Mountain News. But 'bringing it back' from the dead is going to take more than adopting the name and the tabloid format. All power to them, though. I hope they adopt the attitude of the paper's founder, William Byers, and go for it."
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