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Fan's recording of high-school kid's 'flagrant fouls' goes viral

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MisterCreosote, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

  2. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Read more here: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2012/01/04/1774000/high-school-basketball-video-shows.html#storylink=cpy

    I can't believe people actually listened to my whining on the WORLD wide web!
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    The fifth one was awful, and the fourth one, where the kid pushed other kid could have been flagrant.

    The others didn't seem so bad. The second one, the kid was just reaching around for the ball and met flesh instead. The third one, the kid pumped faked, the fat kid bit and tried to block it, and was so slow he conked the shooter on the head.
  4. Pencil Dick

    Pencil Dick Member

    Oh boo-hoo, dad. Maybe 1 of those 6 fouls was flagrant - it's just a big kid filling up space. I'd wager he's not even a starter.

    Gimme a break. Most of us who've played basketball at any level above junior high have been involved in games with those types of fouls. Step to the line and make your free throws and tell your father to quit whining.

    Also, where are these "better referees" supposed to come from? The local association here has a difficult time just finding two warm bodies to send to my daughter's games. Coach told the parents before the season "The officials we get are inexperienced and usually pretty awful. We're used to it."
  5. Small Town Guy

    Small Town Guy Well-Known Member


    What a bizarre game. Love the smirk when he's subbed in for as well. In phy ed I always hated our basketball unit when the wrestlers would play hoops because this is how they played. To be fair to the refs, maybe during the captain's meeting before the game they told them it would be prison rules.

    In 8th grade football, we had a dominant team, thanks to our 6-2, 180-pound running back with a mustache who ran the 40 in about 4.5. One game, the foe had a mulleted linebacker flying around taking cheap shots, hitting after the whistle, kicking into piles, going for groin punches. We complained the whole time but it did no good. It was on the road so the refs were parents from the other team. They did not have control.

    On the final play of the game, our coach sent in the play to me, the QB. "Get Red Man." The kid had a red sweatshirt under his jersey. I called a normal running play. When the center snapped it, I handed off to the running back but we were the only two running the play. The other nine guys chased after the linebacker - and we had fast big linemen too - caught up to him and drove him into the ground. When they emerged, he was crumpled on the ground, bawling. Not permanently hurt; we saw him stagger off as we made our way to the bus. The opposing parents screamed. After the game, our coach gathered us and said if anyone at the school asked about it the next day, not to say he told us. Very Nixonian.

    Was it right? I don't know. Was it justice? Yes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  6. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Fatboy isn't the only one hacking around out there, although he's by far the worst. On one of the plays (#4 IIRC) one of his teammates runs through a pick (by throwing the opponent aside) while big-boy is tomahawking the ball-handler. On #2, another guy goes for the head and neck as a kid drives to the hoop.

    It's the coach.

    The other way to deal with this is to send somebody about 6-4, 225 and in way way way better shape than Fatboy driving straight into him with orders to leave tire tracks up his gut and maybe a little lower. Usually these cheap-shot artists can dish it out but can't take it.
  7. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Ahh, the "bootsie play." Big fun.
  8. rmanfredi

    rmanfredi Active Member

    John Chaney agrees with this approach.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    You won't have Red Man to kick around any more.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  10. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    Trying to find a pic of the Great Santini ordering his son to flagrantly foul in the high school basketball game.
  11. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Mostly looked like a big, slow, clumsy guy who took his street game to the gym. Actually, it didn't look like anybody on the court could actually play basketball or had any coaching. Where does this take place?
  12. rmanfredi

    rmanfredi Active Member

    Foul #5 - the clothesline - looks a lot like Andrew Bynum's attempted decapitation of JJ Barrea. I might have more sympathy for the kids if they would have at any point gone over to check on one of the guys they fouled and maybe give them a quick "my bad" instead of just putting on their Charles Oakley-patented mean mug.
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