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Fake Sports Story in GQ

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by thebiglead, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. thebiglead

    thebiglead Member

    Does anyone know why GQ has a fake story this month? It's about a 13-year-old GM for a minor league baseball team. The mag doesn't come out and say it's fake - but if you read between the lines and use google, nothing seems to check out.

    Jake Floyd is the 13-year-old, and he's the GM of the Ash Fork Miners. They play in the Desert Cactus Indep. League, and he attends Barry Goldwater Middle School. There's also a mention of Huck Finn up top.

    The writer is legit, and he probably got paid about $3,000 for the piece (it's long), but what's the point? Why do this?

    * It's the GQ with Colbert on the cover. Don't stop at the Ivanka Trump photos, or it could take you awhile to get to this sports piece in question.
  2. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Is it the April issue?
  3. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    April Fool's?
  4. Pencil Dick

    Pencil Dick Member

    Call Sidd Finch for an explanation.
  5. John Taylor

    John Taylor Member

    They had a fake story last year on the "Fat Tax."
  6. thebiglead

    thebiglead Member

    May issue.
  7. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Maybe it was a little shot at Esquire and the story Jones did a couple months back on the young hockey GM.
    Or at least I think it was hockey.
  8. chazp

    chazp Active Member

    Sidd Finch was the greatest pitcher who ever lived!
  9. Walter Burns

    Walter Burns Member

    Actually, that was Esquire.
  10. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    That's the first I've heard about Esquire's Fat Tax story being a hoax, even though I work there. And now I've googled it, I've confirmed that I'm a complete and utter moron.

  11. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Not that it matters, but I hate these 'aren't we funny' hoax stories. Hate hate hate hate hate. Go work for The Onion or resurrect Spy or something, but spare your readers the sheer waste of time of reading your self-congratulatory inside joke.

    Look, we have Jones calling himself a complete and utter moron, but can we believe him?? Maybe it's a hoax, maybe he's NOT a complete and utter moron! You just don't know what to believe!!

    (pick a smiley, any smiley, I swear....)
  12. tyler durden 71351

    tyler durden 71351 Active Member

    I kind of hate those hoax stories, because I fall for them hook, line and sinker every time. Hell, even Sidd Finch seemed plausible to my teenage mind. Anyone remember the "Allegra Coleman" profile from Esquire about 8-9 years ago? It was a generic profile of some up and coming Hollywood starlet (either Ali Larter or Amy Smart posed for the photo) -- a satire on how all those are the same. Problem is, it was such a generic profile of an actress you never heard of, it seemed perfectly real.
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