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Eastbound & Down on HBO

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Steak Snabler, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    I just watched it last night. I liked the opening part about his baseball career. It kind of flat lined in the middle, but picked back up in the end when he entered the school and got on the PA. The final scene really worked for m. Any time you have a topless chick on a jet ski for about a minute and a half, it gets two thumbs up. I'll watch it again.
  2. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    But there's also one named after George Washington and another after Patrick Henry within an hour, too. ;)
  3. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    SportsJournalists.com.... YOU ARE FUCKING OUT!
    OK, just had to get that out.
    Enjoyed the show, though it was a bit over-the-top for me.
    I loved the part where Kenny was arguing with his brother and wife and said, "I'm not going to stop yelling, because that will mean I've lost the fight!"
    I'll watch it again next week. His ex-girlfriend (the teacher) is pretty cute, so that's worth it right there.
  4. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    No, those are a little farther away. I'm right in the heart of Confederate country. :) I didn't see the show, but that's why I probably wouldn't react to strongly to Jefferson Davis Middle SChool. In Virginia, and to a lesser degree North Carolina, there's a strong tie to history. Doesn't matter if its the Civil War, the Revolution, Civil Rights, you're going to see plenty of stuff named after historical figures.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Just saw it... Over the top, but pretty funny. The beginning with him melting down as a ballplayer was hilarious.

    Seems like a cross between John Rocker and Rod Beck.
  6. DirtyDeeds

    DirtyDeeds Guest

    Just caught the "Making Of" special on HBO late last night and it looked pretty funny. I set the DVR and will be watching the first ep on OnDemand in the next couple of days.
  7. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    I watched it this morning and thought it was funny. I like Danny McBride quite a bit. They need to do something to make Powers more sympathetic though, or they will lose people in a hurry.
  8. DirtyDeeds

    DirtyDeeds Guest

    Watched last night and thought it was pretty funny and has potential. It was a little too vulgar and over the top, but this episode was really just setting up the characters, and I expect it to get better. I'll keep watching.
  9. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I'd never heard of this show, have never seen a commercial for it, nothing. But I keep hearing snippets of people just gushing about it. Looks like I need to hit up OnDemand.
  10. jimnorden

    jimnorden Member

    funniest show on television.
  11. DirtyDeeds

    DirtyDeeds Guest

    Oscar, I think (or hope) they just went so over the top to set up the character traits. If they continue along that line, I don't think I'll be watching much longer. And jim, THAT is a bit over the top. Let's get through a few episodes first. From what I've seen it's not close to the funniest show on TV. But it could be great.
  12. crusoes

    crusoes Active Member

    I must admit, the topless girl on the jetski was a nice touch. But all it proved was that the main character is an ass. To be truthful, nothing before that disproved that theory. I deal with asses all the time. Why should I spend another half-hour watching one on TV?
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