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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Sxysprtswrtr, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    I like Schaap, too. I really dug his piece on Bobby Fischer's decent from childhood prodigy to elderly douchebag from a couple years ago.
  2. pseudo

    pseudo Well-Known Member

    Yup. Great story, and a fine job of keeping himself from throttling the senile old f&!#er.
  3. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    That's what impressed me most. Here's a recap of the event for those who missed it.


  4. pseudo

    pseudo Well-Known Member

    That last line? Game over. Scoreboard.
  5. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    That pretty much sums everything up.
  6. silentbob

    silentbob Member

    Didnt see it. Forgot about it.

    But I was kind of turned off on in when I heard Schaap talking on the radio about the show's first major story dealing with the broken relationship between Cecil and Prince Fielder. Schaap said, "Cecil talks for the first time about ... " ... Which is a lie. Cecil talked to Sports Illustrated months ago.
  7. Mark

    Mark Member

    I didn't see the show, but I do think Rachel Nichols and Jeremy Schaap are better than most at the Entirely Self Promotion Network.
    These guys weren't impressed....

  8. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Very interesting point about Northwestern High in that story.
  9. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    Or, since its Bobby Fischer, checkmate
  10. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Checking out the latest episode, taking the City of New York to task for bulldozing a park to build the New Yankee Stadium which will force kids living next to the old park to walk 20 minutes to some of the new parks being built to replace the old park. The high point was Bloomberg telling the ESPN reporter to "get a life" when he was questioning the wisdom of taking a park away from poor residents and giving it to the Yankees. (They wouldn't do this to Central Park!). I didn't buy the story's argument. I keep waiting for this show to break some real news and with the number of high-profile journos ESPN has hired in the last year, the WWL just isn't coming through.
  11. gingerbread

    gingerbread Well-Known Member

    Didn't see the report, but Filip Bondy wrote about that in the NYDN months ago. I'm pretty sure he's done a couple columns about it.
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