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drunk driving and the legal limit

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Smallpotatoes, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Last week I was listening to Jerry Doyle. He seems to be big on his shows having some sort of theme and on this particular night it was what he called "creeping incrementalism," in other words how our personal freedoms are being taken away little by little.
    He brought up the age-old argument about smoking in public places and how dangerous secondhand smoke might be or might not be, but he also talked about how the blood alcohol measurement that determined whether or not one was legally too drunk to drive was decreased from .10 or .08 and he expressed concern that eventually it might drop even lower.
    He said that the drop in the legal limit didn't have much or anything to do with at which point is somebody too intoxicated to drive safely. He seemed to claim that the decrease was because of political pressure from Mothers Against Drunk Driving and a desire for do-gooders and the "nanny state" to tell other people how to live their lives.
    Does he have a point about this? How is decreasing the legal limit encroaching on our freedoms? And how important is our freedom to drive drunk.
    If the jury truly is still out on the dangers of secondhand smoke, I can understand if some people feel it's wrong to restrict when and where they can smoke, but the danger a drunk driver poses to others is pretty well documented. I don't think anybody has a right to drive drunk and as I understand it, nobody really has a "right" to drive. It's a privilege.
  2. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    The arguemnt seems to be it keeps creeping lower and lower until it's 0. Then you're not really able to drink even one drink with dinner, becuase you can't get home.
    It might not be the best example, but it's a valid point. Rarely do laws go off the books, so rarely do we get more freedom, we just keep losing it.
  3. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    I don't know how common roadblocks still are, but in most cases if you're stopped for DUI, it's usually because you were driving in a way that led a police officer to suspect you were intoxicated, right?
  4. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Driving is not a right. However, one could argue that it's not listed explicitly as a right because the founding fathers couldn't have conceived of it. If they had, it would probably explicitly listed as a right.
    Dropping the BAC limit from .10 to .08 is still within the bounds of reason. Pusing it lower might push the boundaries of reason.
    Laws against smoking outdoors, in most instances, are beyond the boundaries of reason.
  5. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    True, I almost never see road blocks. But isn't this kind of an "it's only illegal if you get caught" argument?
  6. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    I've got no problem with a 0.1 being the standard for driving while impaired. None at all.
  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    the change in BAC is more than you think. it used to be .15 in at least one state in the PNW several years ago.
  8. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    i second that.
  9. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    LEOs are trained to key on certain driving peculiarities that are bona finde, proven indicators of DUI. Among these are driving slowly and driving with headlights off. There are, of course others.
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    or windows rolled all the way down on a night that's less than warm ... big heads up for cops.
  11. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Hell, I think Tennessee still has no open-container laws, as long as it's not the driver with an open beer.
  12. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Hellllloooooooooooo, Rocky Top. Here I come.
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