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Doyel-Conlin feud?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by lantaur, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. loveyabye

    loveyabye Guest

    Doubtful, yet that's not that case. Dan Patrick just talked abouot the feud on his show. Saying Conlin was a "blowhard," yet not really siding with Doyel either.
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Can you can bring a ladder over here to the side of the horse so I can see you? Great, thanks.

    Obviously it's meant as a joke. Not sure if the joke is 'i'm not really an arrogant jerk, but i want my readers to think so,' or more like, 'I'm so cracked up by myself I can't stop laughing.' Whatever the intent, it comes off more dopey than funny or clever. My opinion.

    Someone wondered whether Conlin's response was homerish--I'd say if you can rip guys, you can also defend them. Agree with whoever said he could have chosen a better forum in which to do it.

    As for home run extravaganzas in the steroid era....until someone proves Roger Maris cheated to get 61, I'm going to believe that someone else can do it too.

    You want to write that Howard or Pujols or whoever is juiced, make a couple of calls, throw in a quote...anything that distinguishes you from first-time long-time John on the car phone.
  3. all of these people who have this automatic "readers don't care about a media feud" are stupid. people are interested in the media. why do you think deadspin has been so successful?
  4. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Um, Dan Patrick is a talk-radio guy in that role. It wouldn't be surprising he'd mention it. Could be a case of trying to make an espn.com competitor look bad. also. Again, in the great sports-fan public, a midlevel guy on a Web site that's way behind espn.com and may now be behind Yahoo as a main sports score bookmark tweaking a veteran columnist most people under 40 outside of Philly would have no idea of the existence of is not news. Except here, on a professional journo site.

    And deadspin is successful because it gets great links, not because it's next-generation Martzke or anything. And I don't remotely care about your opinion of me, so the ad hominem will slide on by.
  5. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I like Doyel's stuff, I like Conlin's stuff. I disagree with both at times, but both compel me to read them.

    I disagree with those who say Conlin would win this battle because its primarily being fought on Doyel's turf. How is Conlin going to parry Doyel, when Doyel can blog Conlin into the ground?

    And not to be Doyel's sycophant, but those who say he's a one-trick pony are dead wrong. He was a must-read if you had a college basketball beat, and he broke the third-party scheduling story last year that embarassed several schools.
  6. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    This line from Conlin's e-mail to Doyel cracked me up, assuming it wasn't tinkered with of course ...

    "He's got some love handles!"

    Never seen that phrase turned so enthusiastically.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I'm with 21 here. I knew that Doyel's bio was a joke. It just wasn't funny.

    And I didn't mind him firing back at Conlin, either, but to bring him up in every letter was too much.

    Maybe this is all Doyel's schtick. I don't know. But to portray yourself as a thin-skinned wanker who can't handle criticism and the success of others doesn' make me want to keep reading.
  8. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Your point is correct, Lugnuts, but the facts are wrong. It was Jack Whitaker who got taken off the Masters for calling the crowd a "mob". Gary McCord got taken off by saying something like the greens were slick like wax or bikini wax.
  9. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Poor Jack Whitaker. I remember that year. The "patrons" had pitchforks and flaming torches and everything. He was on the money.
  10. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Oh, okay. My bad - Mixing up my incidents - so two guys have been kicked off CBS telecasts.

    I'm surprised more of you aren't aware that the leagues' influence over network TV is at an all-time high.

    If the response here is nobody cares about or reads cbssportsline -- ok. I thought more people did.
  11. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely (okay, maybe 'stupid' is too strong here, but whatever)........media people have become celebrities, and celebrities sell.

    Doesn't make it good or right, but it's still true.
  12. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    You only have to read Doyel a couple of times to know he's an arrogant punk. Yeah, I'd hire him. But only if I was brought in to ruin the product because the owner's intention was to close the paper and sell all the components.

    In case anyone hasn't noticed, the No. 1 factor driving people away from newspapers and other forms of media is arrogance.
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