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Designer opening in Knoxville

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Philkaplan, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. Philkaplan

    Philkaplan Member

    This will be posted soon. Wanted to give those interested a head start.

    Knoxville News Sentinel, a daily morning newspaper in East Tennessee, has an immediate opening for page designer. Full-time job involves designing the sports section three to four days a week. The E.W. Scripps product has a circulation of 120,000 daily and 150,000 Sunday. Contact executive sports editor Steve Ahillen at ahillen@knews.com.

    Phil Kaplan
    Deputy sports editor
    News Sentinel

    PM me for more details.
  2. Philkaplan

    Philkaplan Member

    Just a bump. We are still looking at candidates.
  3. JB20

    JB20 Member

    Every time I see an opening in Knoxville, I always hope it's a writing gig. As always, no luck. :(
  4. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Of course you could always learn design. Problem solved.
  5. boots

    boots New Member

    That might be the problem in itself.
  6. fmrsped

    fmrsped Active Member

    DyePack, is that you?
  7. alwayswrite

    alwayswrite New Member

    Bump. Any news? Heard they had narrowed this down to a couple folks. Is Scripps' hiring freeze still active?
  8. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

  9. Philkaplan

    Philkaplan Member

    We have been told the position will be open in February. Yes, there is a hiring freeze, but positions can be filled on a need basis. We're just waiting in line like the planes at Hartsfield. I think management believes there's less work in sports when football season is over.

    Phil Kaplan
  10. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Saying a design position can be filled on a need basis is like saying the world can fill its latest Britney Spears offspring position on a need basis.
  11. VJ

    VJ Member

    B+ for idea, D- for execution.
  12. Philkaplan

    Philkaplan Member

    Position filled

    We have filled the designer opening on our staff.
    David Goodard has worked at the Maryville (Tenn.) Daily Times since 2002 and is the newspaper's assistant news editor.
    Phil Kaplan
    Deputy sports editor
    Knoxville News Sentinel
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