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Deadwood 7/16 (spoilers, perhaps)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by zimbabwe, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. zimbabwe

    zimbabwe Active Member

    Another great episode (is there any other kind?)

    Great comic relief from Jane (although I'm NOT looking forward to a lesbian subplot).

    Dan emerges from his post-gouging funk.

    The Liberian emerges as a dark-horse (no pun intended) candidate to become Hearst's enforcer.

    Great shit-talk between Hearst and Bullock/Swearengen ("How's the finger?" "How's the ear?")

    Will the Garrett relapse sub-plot fade away? Will Swearengen connect the dots and stave off catastrophe by intervening in her addiction? ----> Trixie has spilled the beans on that front.

    Just a great episode. Continues to make watching Entourage like reading Maxim with a soundtrack.
  2. It's soon to be a free-for-all, although who doesn't have money on Swearengen/Bullock vs. Hearst???
  3. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    Is anybody else wondering if the young Liberian (played by Omar Gooding from "Playmakers" IIRC) is the product of a little Jeffersonian bangity-bang between Hearst and Auntie Lou?
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    That's my guess. The Little General made a point of calling out Odell for being "high yellow."
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