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Clay Travis on why every writer/journalist needs to be active on Twitter

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Double Down, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Many of you may dislike the messenger, but there are a lot of good points here.

  2. Matt Stephens

    Matt Stephens Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with pretty much everything Clay says there. I don't understand why there are so many reporters out there still not on Twitter.
  3. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Up front: I am not a writer.

    I tried Twitter. I really did. And I realize I don't see as much breaking stuff as I would if I were on there nonstop. But I just can't handle it.
  4. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    You're right.

    In scrolling the bolded points, right again. On it. Still dislike the messenger.
  5. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    As someone here used to say, inarguable among the sane.
  6. As The Crow Flies

    As The Crow Flies Active Member

    He's correct. Unfortunately.

    I'm on Twitter and have been for a long time, but I really feel like I'm forcing myself to open TweetDeck these days. I'm just tired of the constant deluge of links and "breaking news." Sometimes it feels like it's actually hindering me from doing my work instead of contributing to my efforts (it probably is, actually). But it's hard to deny how much info is on Twitter. You simply can't ignore it.

    But as a beat writer, it's simply exhausting trying to chase every nugget that gets thrown out there. Especially during coaching search time. All these "Football Rumor Mills" will tweet a tidbit and then everyone takes it as gospel. Editors call. People go nuts. Sometimes it's correct and sometimes it's not. Anything to feed the beast. It gets old quickly and I'm not sure it's the greatest thing in the world for journalism.

    But, really, I don't see it getting better any time soon, so I guess I'll quit bitching. It just seems like my burnout meter runs much hotter when TweetDeck is constantly updating on the corner of my computer screen.
  7. Gator

    Gator Well-Known Member

    I agree fully ... call me old fashioned, but when it comes to "breaking news," I'd rather have it be factual than fast. Today's example is Adam Schefter's clashing posts two hours apart.
  8. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Every "reporter"? Sure, I'll agree with that. And I'm glad I'm not an everyday reporter anymore because I effing hate Twitter. Needing to monitor players I cover 24/7 so I don't miss some inane remark that will warrant a quick story sounds positively awful. ("Joe Star tweeted 'XXX is an idiot.' Joe Star apologized in a statement for his tweet. Rinse and repeat.") Like Crow said, the rumor mills and such are just exhausting. If I was a manager/editor I'd be very worried that Twitter will cause premature burnout on my crew. But at the same time I can't tell them to just turn the crap off.

    But every "journalist" needs to be active on Twitter? I can't be convinced of that. I'm sure long-form writers function perfectly well without it.

    Again, I hate Twitter, though I won't say it's completely useless. But people beating us over the head to EMBRACE IT NOW are starting to sound like arrogant soccer fans.
  9. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I used to despise Twitter, but that was really before I understood that Twitter is exactly what you want it to be, basically. If you're a Writer (with a capital W) you certainly don't have to follow every player and chase soundbites like a crackhead chases a fix. You can follow you favorite Writers (again, capital W) and just get links to their stories. And tweet out links to your own stories, thus making it clear that YOU are responsible for the content that's being produced, not your COMPANY. I think that's important, actually, in an era where companies view their writers as inter-changeable, and often times disposable, commodities.

    Can long-form writers function without Twitter? Of course. But I think a lot of them function really well WITH Twitter, and more people end up reading their stories.
  10. mediaguy

    mediaguy Well-Known Member

    Yes, if your job as a writer doesn't involve the active reporting of news or a need to be aware of it in a timely fashion, then you can get by without Twitter. Not many of those jobs left.
  11. Elliotte Friedman

    Elliotte Friedman Moderator Staff Member

    That's a really good column. Agree 100 per cent.

    Travis is absolutely correct that twitter could really empower writers who desperately need it.
  12. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    I'm no fan of Twitter, but that was a pretty convincing argument.

    As a copy desker, I don't have much to tweet about ... but I've been told by others who do that one of the occasional columns I write for my shop ended up getting quite a few reads via some Twitter link.

    And I agree that Facebook has probably "jumped the shark." When aunts and grandmas dominate a form of hi-tech media, it's about to be left behind.
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