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Casper Star-Tribune (Casper, Wyo.)

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by philly fanatic, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    casper is what it is. i could live in casper for two years and love the hell out of it. i groove wyoming, although i wouldn't want to retire there.
  2. Since this paper tries to cover the whole state, does it have bureaus around Wyoming? If so, how many?
  3. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    I'd hope so. The commutes to Evanston and Sheridan would be hellacious.
  4. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    I believe what passes for a bureau in the Equality State is a stringer in town working for the news side. If Casper Natrona or Kelly Walsh are playing a football playoff game at Evanston, Sheridan or (God forbid) Gillette, guess what? You're driving! :D

    The last time I was out there, the 4A schools had a basketball arrangement where the boys and girls teams had reciprocal scheduling --- for example, the same day Kelly Walsh's girls host Sheridan the KW boys would have a road game at Sheridan. There is no high school baseball (weather, the combination of track and soccer in the spring, and only six of 80 high schools enrolling over 1200) combine to nix that possibility) but American Legion baseball in June and July fill that role.

    It helps (some) that Wyoming's AP members have a nice little photo sharing set-up via the AP but for games either you're going or you hope the coaches call or e-mail. My experience is that the coaches out there are very good about getting in touch with both the C-ST and their local papers.
  5. So the person that gets this job better hope that the paper reimburses mileage. Anyone know if it does? And what's the rate?
  6. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    why would you assume this paper might not reimburse mileage? god.

    has anyone here actually been to casper? it's not like this is in south america.
  7. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    You're absolutely right, sir. Winters in South America are far warmer. :D

    Not a bad city for its size, although (obviously) you don't move there for the nightlife and/or cultural opportunities. It's a place I could raise a family and feel safe about it. But in the winter, you'll want something with four wheel drive.
  8. mojo

    mojo Member

    Two things about Casper: 1) windy, windy, windy, and 2) within 30 minutes of some of the best trout fishing in the lower 48 on the North Platte River.
  9. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    but, for fucking out loud, what in the hell does a 23-year-old really know about nightlife?
  10. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Doesn't compare to the area between Wheatland and Chugwater in terms of wind. :D Now that I think about it, I-80 northwest of Laramie was also a pretty good place to fly a kite.

    TP: Most 23-year-olds' definition of nightlife comes from what they were used to in college. It's not like they have all the wild oats out of their systems at that point. Then they get to their first small newspaper job and find out 1) they'll have a more varied beer selection at home than they will at the local bar and 2) they won't be able to afford buying more than a couple of beers at said bar.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    coffee - the best thing about a small town is newbie learns s/he's not in college anymore.
  12. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    This is a Lee paper, so it does thing like reimburse for mileage (prob. around 36 cents a mile), really awesome 401K (they put 5% in before you put a dime in) and some other decent bennies.

    Does it pay mileage? Jeebus, it's not some craptastic weekly.
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