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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by SoSueMe, May 29, 2007.

  1. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    The African Queen did not suck. Great chemistry between Bogart and Hepburn, and that ka-chuck ka-chuck of the motor was strangely comforting.
  2. There are nothing but vultures here.
    Vultures, vultures, vultures.
  3. Scene in the bazaar with the merchant's sales pitch: "Ah, for very special friends of Rick ... " is a line we love to repeat when shopping.

    How come no love for the Maltese Falcon or To Have and Have Not?
    "Was you ever stung by a dead bee?"
  4. Another favoritre:

    Sacha, I love you, but he pays me.
  5. crusoes

    crusoes Active Member

    "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You put your lips together and blow."

    Those are great movies, too, as is "Key Largo."
  6. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Rick, after Peter Lorre's character is taken away:

    "I stick my neck out for nobody."

    Great thing about Casablanca is that all the supporting actors/bit parts are memorable, not throw aways.
  7. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    It's a shame France can't win a Gold in an Olympics. Best Anthem Ever
  8. dmc

    dmc Guest

    Everyone may already know this, but Theo Epsteins grandfather and great uncle wrote the screenplay for Casablanca.
  9. BigSleeper

    BigSleeper Active Member

    "I'm shocked, shocked, to find there is gambling going on in here!"

    "Your winnings, sir."


    Casablanca, Maltese Falcon and Big Sleep are easily in my Top 10.
  10. NoOneLikesUs

    NoOneLikesUs Active Member

    The whole movie synchs up perfectly with Pink Floyd's Animals album.

    Makes the Wizard of Oz connection to Dark Side look like child's play.
  11. Unfortunately, The Big Sleep doesn't rank with the others. Rewritten so many times by so many hands the plot doesn't make sense. There is no solution to one of the murders, which even the writers admitted after the fact that they didn't know who the culprit was.

    But in general you can't go wrong watching Bogart. First time I saw Casablanca in college I wore a trench coat and fedora just to get in the spirit of things.
  12. Rosie

    Rosie Active Member

    I like old movies. Which drives my kids crazy as they don't really like the black and white, but once in a while I can get them hooked on one.

    Casablanca? I love that movie.
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