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Carolina choked, can we write it?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by zagoshe, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    I opined that Carolina choked on the CWS tonight, and the fact that they lost 3-2 because of three errors, some ridiculously bad base running and two of the most horrible eighth inning at-bats in CWS history would seem to support it.

    The boss said choke is too strong of a word to use because they are not professionals but college kids. Obviously I grudgingly and quickly made a few, well more than a few, changes.

    What's the consensus -- is it wrong to say college kids choked even when they are playing for the national title?

    Keep in mind, I'm not interested in a discussion about whether or not Carolina choked in your opinion -- I believe they did but that's my opinion.

    The issue at hand is whether it is ever proper to say college kids choked. I say yes, what do you say?
  2. TigerTown

    TigerTown New Member

    I'm reticent to use "choked" to describe any athlete's performance -- college or pro -- unless it's really obvious like two air-balled free throws when either one would have won the game. How do you know when an error was mental rather than physical? Unless a guy tells you he choked, it's hard to know what was going on in his head.
  3. Stupid

    Stupid Member

    well, the game was still tied when the error was made so it's hard to say that the Tar Heels choked since, by my definition, that implies giving away a sure victory.

    But they made some bad mistakes at the wrong time.

    I think they choked on Sunday night when they had a 5-0 lead, even though it was early.
  4. Left_Coast

    Left_Coast Active Member

    Or it's Phil Mickelson
  5. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    Chapel Hill could have done some things differently. The attempt to steal home was daring.

    But it wasn't a choke.
  6. Stupid

    Stupid Member

    Fox blew it when he came out to talk to Bard. probably should have taken him out then after disrupting his rhythm and making him think about Rowe.
  7. Jim Halpert

    Jim Halpert Member

    I love how you explicity said you didn't want a discussion of whether or not it actually was a choke, and that's exactly what the thread turned into.

    If you're writing a column, then by all means say they choked, say whatever is on your mind. Just a game story? Saying Carolina choked is more commentary than anything else, so I'd try to shy away from it.
  8. WSKY

    WSKY Member

    North Choke-olina. Sounds good to me. North Carolina chokes on Beaver sounds even better.
  9. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    I thought it was four errors. At any rate, you can imply in a game story that the Tar Heels threw the victory away, but "choked" would be too strong in that context.

    Say it in a column, if you want. But be prepared to back it up, obviously.
  10. I've always felt that choke is too harsh a word for non-professionals.
    Mickelson? Choked. Carolina? Threw the series away.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    if you're playing at a d-1 level, you deserve what you get. but choke belings in a column.

    while on the topic, i still say that cross country national title in '61 was way, way more impressive.
  12. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Div. I-A players are fair game.
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