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Can Barack Obama get a fair hearing from the American people?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by heyabbott, Jul 11, 2007.

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  1. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    No, you are missing the point. He is saying that when a group is strongly and passionately opposed to something -- for whatever reason -- they are generally far more motivated to get out to vote against it than they would be if they are going to out just to vote for something they support.

    If a candidate is very much an over-the-top gun control advocate, you better believe the NRA will be getting people out in droves to vote against said candidate.

    In the gay marriage thing it was the Evangelicals who were motivated to get out and vote the measure down.

    And if Barack Obama runs as the Democratic nominee, you better damn well believe that the racists, the skinheads, the neo-nazis, the KKK, the people from stormfront and many other people from less obvious but just as racist organizations will make sure every member gets out to vote against him.

    And you are very, very naive if you think that passionate and/or closet racists exist only in pockets of the south -- Have you ever been to Fishtown or Greys Ferry in Philly? How many votes you think Obama would get there and both of those areas are both heavily democratic -- and that J.C. Watts wouldn't face the same problems because of his race that Obama will.

    Like I said, I hope I'm wrong on this but I know that I am not.
  2. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    I am a young person, and I just hope we get to a point where candidates aren't judged on anything other than their political history and thoughts on the future. I don't want elections to be against the black man, the woman and a bunch of old white men. Women have been voting for about 80 years, the Civil Rights era began about 40 years ago, and it's incredibly sad that a woman and a black man being candidates is still a big deal. I swear that a majority of younger voters don't care either way, and if anything, being a woman or a minority would help a candidate with that demographic. But it's sad either way.

    We keep asking ourselves whether America would vote for a black man or a woman, and we should be asking ourselves what each candidate would do as president. We have disgustingly low morale right now, and our country seems to be pissing a lot of people off in an era technology has made more globalized than ever. THIS IS A PROBLEM WE NEED TO FIX.

    Is Obama's lack of experience a bad thing, or like Marcus Aurelious said in Gladiator, is it a good thing that he doesn't know Rome and hasn't been corrupted by her politics? I think Obama would be a terrific candidate in a few years, but like someone wrote earlier, he HAD to run now. Look at the opposition. Everyone's pointing at Obama simply because we don't know him, and there's a chance he might not suck.

    I just don't want to believe that these candidates are the best we can do right now. It's sad. Maybe Gore and Thompson will join the fold. But maybe that wouldn't help, either.

    The one thing Obama has absolutely nailed is that we need a uniter, not another divider. Look how close Bush came to losing against Kerry, who was a shitty candidate. And Bush didn't really win the first time. We are so polarized as a nation, and we need someone who can make us believe again. By us, I mean younger people, because I can't speak for older generations. I want to see a candidate who makes me believe America is still great, and right now, Obama is the best candidate who makes me feel that way. But behind all of his great speeches, what kind of president would he be? What policies would he set? Is he just full of shit, too? I don't know.

    I just hope this campaign can stick to important issues and stay away from things that don't matter, like someone's race or gender. We're all Americans, and I'm sick and damn tired of hearing who is more "American" than who.

    What we need more than anything is what we don't have — more political parties. It's so fucking ridiculous to think that most Americans are either 100 percent Republican or 100 percent Democrat. Most of us with sound minds live somewhere in the middle, and to think we basically have two options for the most important job in our country (and possibly the whole world) is ridiculous. And we're not doing anything about it. Every candidate I've ever voted for had at least a few issues I completely disagreed with, so I've simply had to choose between the lesser of two evils. If it's like that when I'm an old man, I will be very sad.
  3. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    You must know better than that, no?
  4. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member


    Look at jail trends since Clinton enacted his tough on crime laws. Obviously it has impacted the black community greater than any other .
  5. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    Those Hispanics are remarkably consistent.
  6. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    I thought this thread was about Obama, not Bill Clinton.
  7. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    One type of prejudice can easily lead to another. People wish to exclude one group for ignorant reasons based on race, people thump the Bible to justify discriminating against the other, even while wailing about some BS "science." The group in power wishes to keep the "fringe" and "minority" groups out of power.

    Either way, people who are motivated by a strong dislike will vote, and vote in droves. Hell, the anti-Bush people tried that last time and were only beaten because of A-holes coming out (pun intended) against gay marriage.
  8. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    And people who want their way on ANYTHING will bash Bible-thumpers until they're out of the way.

    Having said that, I wouldn't put it past a Republican to manipulate the religious right on the gay agenda when it means nothing to them. Kind of like Democrats and the middle class. If you think all Dems are middle class allies, you're duped.
  9. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    FB, it is about Barack, but there are several factors working against Obama and in order for him to get over the hump, we are looking at past history to see what worked and what areas Obama can mount up the rally and steamroll his way to the nomination next summer. 

    In the case of Obama, the black vote is the most intriguing because they have been pining for the "right" black candidate to come along and Obama should be the guy. Come to find out, Obama may be one of them, but he isn't the right guy to them. Bill is the gold standard.

    Hammer, I'm a youngster too, and it would be nice to have what you spoke of, but as much as U.S. citizens want an uniter, we're still divided and fractured because of the issues.  Most are unwilling to compromise and compromise is best suited for someone who doesn't like confrontations.  That will never go away and the image of working together is something most people (not just elected officials) do not want to make the effort in doing. 

    Secondly, most hate moderates and independents because they have strong beliefs from both sides.  "Either you are a Democrat or a Republican.  That's it.  Independents are seen as kooky or looking to create a third party."  Try telling that to Canada, England, and France how those multi-party systems are a joke.  Those three are doing quite well with it. 

    As long as party politics is driven by who makes the most money and has the best chance in winning, the original values and goals that were set forth when these organizations were created will be a moot point. 

    A pet peeve of mine which is near and dear to me is this antiquated adage that you have to vote a straight ticket.  Check that, in some areas, voters are "instructed" to vote for a straight ticket.  How stupid do you have to be to let someone tell you how to vote? 
    There are some shady ass characters running on both sides that I wouldn't give the time of day to vote for. 

    I need to stop writing and take a break from this thread.  I could go on all day and hijack this, because there are so many interesting angles to run with. 
  10. Yawn

    Yawn New Member


    Wonder who he'll nominate as the Secretary of Health and Human Services
  11. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  12. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Exactly - for Barack to be elected he has to figure out how to get blacks to like him better than they do the Clintons at this point.

    Discussing the reasons for African American affiniity for the Clintons is a relivant topic.
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