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Bush to City: "Drop Dead"

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by jgmacg, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    So you are now an advocate of lower taxes and smaller government? Well, you see that, there is a new convert every day......

  2. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    You really have no idea about reading comprehension do you?
  3. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    So you are now an advocate of lower taxes and smaller government? Well, you see that, there is a new convert every day......

    You really have no idea about reading comprehension do you?

    I know, I know, you are afraid if it is discovered that you are an advocate of tax cuts Fenian Bastard will revoke your charter membership in the SportsJournalists.com liberal mafia society.....
  4. andyouare?

    andyouare? Guest

    Why do you namedrop Fenian in every one of your posts? What's your obsession with him? It reeks of insecurity.
  5. zimbabwe

    zimbabwe Active Member

    I know, I know, you are afraid if it is discovered that you are an advocate of tax cuts Fenian Bastard will revoke your charter membership in the SportsJournalists.com liberal mafia society.....


    Why do you namedrop Fenian in every one of your posts? What's your obsession with him? It reeks of insecurity.

    It's a crush.
  6. pallister

    pallister Guest

    I'm from Pigs Knuckle, Arkansas, and I have no desire to go to New York.
  7. As someone who heard the second plane hit and watch the first tower collapse in the rear view mirror of a cab, I have no desire to visit ground zero. None. Six years later I still have occasional nightmares of planes crashing and me being on one. I can understand why people visit it. Everybody likes to slow down on the highway to see the car crash. It's human nature. But after being so close and living in the city to witness the chaos, I have no desire to visit that part of Manhattan. I'll go there when they actually rebuild everything.
  8. Hustle

    Hustle Guest

    It's not my intention to speak for you, but I'm guessing you're in Gettysburg as much for what happened there as for anything. That an incredible moment that shaped our country happened right there, right beneath your feet.

    It's the same way for some at the WTC site.

    I personally have no desire to go there. I drive by the Pentagon - the side of the Pentagon that was hit - every so often. No one gathers there (for a variety of reasons), so perhaps I don't have the same perspective as you.

    But I understand why people would want to see it.

    Otherwise, why not go stand in a field in Shippensburg?
  9. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Why do you stalk me and never add anything of substance to any thread? What is your obsession with me? It reeks of insecurity.
  10. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    And 8 hours later, the "I know you are, but what am I" retort appears.
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