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Breaking Bad Season 3 Running Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Batman, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I meant confront as in he didn't know they were coming. Once he did, he gave it up.
  2. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    At the very end of the show, when the hired guns were sitting on the bed, my cable company does its "required monthly test of the emergency broadcast system."
    I guess they had to do it sometime, but come on...
  3. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    I suspected he knew full well they were coming, had probably called for them -- and that they may even be working for him.

    edit -- After watching the extended preview of next week's episode, my suspicions were confirmed:


    And the old man's not really Tuco's grandpa.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    God damn what a great show.
    This was, more or less, a "nothing" episode. A lot of setting things up for the future and character development. And it was still a riveting hour.
    What did Jesse have, maybe five lines of dialogue the whole episode? Yet the incessant cellphone calls from a man who has embraced being "the bad guy" were absolutely heartbreaking. Even though you knew what was coming, you still felt for him when the payoff came. I also have a feeling that was the last time we'll see that side of him for a while.
    Oh, and Skyler's a bitch.
  5. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Oh come on.

    Skyler's just breaking bad.

    And looking good.
  6. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Could she look any hornier when she kissed Ted? Lord.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I love the little clues the producers drop in with the show titles. Like last season, the titles of all the episodes with the black and white openings combined to give away the ending of the season finale — "Seven-thirty-seven down over ABQ".
    Last night's title? "I.F.T."
  8. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    "I F'd Ted"?
  9. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    That'd be it.
  10. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    The conversation Hank had with his boss at the end of the show made me wonder if the boss is in Gus' pocket.
  11. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Every character on this show has developed into odiousness ... not a bad thing, mind you, the show is still very good, but who is the sympathetic character here?

    Walt? Really, forget about the fact he's a meth cooker, it's more about the fact that he's way too proud to accept the consequences of his actions. In the end, the actions probably could have been anything.
    Skylar? Too chicken shit to either accept Walt's choices or go all the way the other way if she's so repulsed by his drug-dealing and get him thrown in jail. Spite-fucking the boss and "protecting" her son whilst tearing him up inside are added in for odious measure.
    Jesse? Sobriety has turned him into an unrepentant scumbag. An honest-with-himself unrepentant scumbag, but scumbug nonetheless ... the scene where tried to manipulate the store clerk, telling her the addictiveness of meth was media talk tells you everything you need to know.
    Hank? A pussy too in love with his macho bullshit to accept his shortcomings ... in this case ... the totally understandable fear of getting clipped by Mexican drug lords in El Paso.
    Marie? Cloying pain-in-the-ass who's too timid to confront her husband and help him.
    Ted? Sleazeball banging the help and cooking his books.
    Saul Goodman? Opportunism on meth.
    Gus? Drug kingpin.
    The cousins? Savage murderers.
    Walt Jr. Meh. He just gets on my nerves. :D

    Very few characters have come out unscathed through the course of this show. Somehow, I think the innocents in this mess ... Walt Jr. and his baby daughter (her name, Holly, has been mentioned so little during the show, I had to look up what it was) are going to suffer the most to punish those who were doing the damage around them.

    On another point, I just realized that Mark Margolis, who plays Don Salamanca, was also Alberto from Scarface.
  12. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

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