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Boy Killed While Playing 500

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Boom_70, Aug 9, 2007.

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  1. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Lemming? Huh?

    Boom proves once again that he has--at best--a tenuous relationship with the English language.

    You should stick to cut and pasting stores verbatim. It means you don't have to trip over the dictionary.
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    We'll pass your condolences on to the dead boy's mom.

    Class act all the way, jr.
  3. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    A. JR at least has the scones to show up in person and take the SportsJournalists.com heat

    B. Boom can't post with an agenda 99 percent of the time and expect to be cut slack the other 1 percent.
  4. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Boom doesn't expect anything.

    I find it revolting that a parent could read that story and lay his personal agenda on it.
  5. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    OK, you and jr caught me goulmoth. I was really using this story to show how lax Canada is in its laws to protect children.

    I underestimated how well tuned jr's inferiority antenna is tuned.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    And that comment has to do with my take on Boom's language skills how?

    Bad enough Boom posts irrelevancies. Now you're doing it.

    My comments have nothing to do with how I feel about the incident which, yes, is a tragedy. Don't tell me how I feel, OK?

    As Goalmouth said, Boom has an agenda with almost of everyone of his cut and paste posts. Why should this one be any different?
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Boom, trade in your Hummer and take a remedial reading programme.

    Is English your first language?

    Jesus, it's like talking to a retarded chimpanzee.
  8. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    What a disappointment you are.
  9. Shit, we played this, too, 'cept we called it suicide. It sounds like our version was a bit different. If you tried to catch the ball off the wall and dropped it, you better start booking to the wall or else someone else would grab the ball and nail either you or the wall with it (most likely you) before you could touch the wall.

    I'd come home from a game of this with welts all over my body (rubber balls were the most painful) but still feeling smug because I caused some other kid some wicked pain ... good times.
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