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Bill James' "Popular Crime"

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Steak Snabler, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Well done.
  2. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    In case you didn't see it, Watson's first move after kicking Ken Jennings' ass is to go into the health care market.


    The idea is that there is so much scientific knowledge out there, and it is changing so much all the time, an individual physician can't keep up. So if, say, the doctor's electronic medical records system was hooked into Watson, a constantly updated database, that physician could run the probabilities, check for interactions, or check against other data to ensure he or she is making the right decision. The idea isn't to replace the doctor, but to give the physician a much better reference point.

    It's not like a doctor is going to have to check against every sniffle, but it could come in handy for chronic cases, or rare diseases, or unusual situations.
  3. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Got it from Amazon earlier this week and am about 50 pages in. An interesting read so far, and I'm glad to see James has written it in the same conversational style of his baseball books.

    James was also the Colbert Report last night. Colbert's best line:

    "You've turned from baseball to violent crime. Why not just study football and kill two birds with one stone?"
  4. fastcheese

    fastcheese New Member

    I recently read Mr. James book ‘Popular Crime’- There is a cognitive imbalance implicit by the false assumptions he uses to buttress his arguments. This missive is mostly for his perusal on the off chance he visits this site. I offer this information as is:

    The Boston Strangler Killings-

    The core murders of the Boston Strangler were the coordinated work of several men. These perpetrators were profiled and recruited by local police through prison and criminal psychiatric evaluation records working in coordination with Army Intelligence. They were trained to use available on scene items as weapons, one killer per hit, assisted by a control agent from Army Intel., versed in manually subduing victims with minimum effort. Photos were taken after the victims were unconscious and the final assaults then began in earnest. The visuals lent a theatrical component to the killer’s performance, a key element in trauma based programming of this sort- essentially the sexual assault is a validation of the perpetrator’s actions and part of a reward system. The eroticizing of the attacks also maintains a deeper level of recurring need so as to sustain the killer’s operational potential. The variance in victims (age/color) depended on the degree of sexual gratification perceived by the conditioned killer prior to advancing on his target and/or used in expanding his “tastes”, so to speak, in potential victims- (Old women are generally not targets of contract murders of which these trained killers are later dispatched to perform) The objective of the attacks was mainly three-fold: develop a cover “spree” of a single killer for training (blooding) multiple assassins, monitor public reaction in an effort to increase the emotional impact of future operations to condition acceptance of increased state security at the expense of individual liberty, and wreak terror at the doorstep of President Kennedy’s hometown as a form of intimidation towards a president that did not have control of the military. I say mainly, as the victim known as Margaret Davis was lured to a hotel and dispatched in the manner of the others but was a deliberate contract killing absorbed into the evolving profile of a single, sexually deviant, compulsive murderer. The initial victims were selected because of their relatively defenseless condition and proximity so as to keep the initial crime scenes in the hands of the local and compromised police force. The Green Line was not used during the killings but, as on operations of this sort, local mass transit is often used during advance planning by following potential victims, assessing the difficulty in access to the targets, all of whom were selected before the first murder. The prior selection of victim(s) is vital in assessing how best to win the victim’s confidence and eliminate the need of a forced entry. Like the Son of Sam crew, cars were used in the getaways so to avoid lengthy exposure to fellow trolley passengers or pedestrians who may recall detailed appearances. The general time of midday assured few working people to be in their homes. Other killings not involved in the program were attached to the case to expand the psychological impact essentially for free. The DA’s office assisted in this portion of the operation. Those listed as Strangler kills after the murder of the president were also embroidery. The Strangler killings were, in the modern vernacular, a beta program which like other sprees, evolved into the Phoenix program that was operational shortly thereafter in Viet Nam. Albert De Salvo was recruited with a variety of inducements to pose as the perpetrator. His incarceration, like other high profile patsies (ie, James Earl Ray) was intermittent.

    The murder of Jon-Benet Ramsey

    The Jon-Benet Ramsey murder was residue of a pedophile ring operating on the fringes of the child beauty pageant circuit. This circuit is heavily underwritten by elements of organized crime in conjunction with the CIA and NSA, both of which has ever increasing operations in Colorado. This mission had multiple objectives-
    A. The Ramseys were targeted because of the parent’s compromised state: Jon Ramsey was a military contractor whose company simultaneously produced and encrypted child pornography to infect personal computers of rivals who then suffered blackmail threats for non compliance with the wishes of said military contractors. As well, the very apparent evidence of the child being sexually abused multiple times over a period of at least three years before the day of the fatal attack indicates, at best, criminal negligence on the part of the parents for allowing their child to be exposed to this ongoing abuse- At worse, they participated directly in the abuse. Either way, the “Lone Nut” intruder theory covers everyone’s behind, police included, and stops the investigation far short of Langley and the criminal financiers.
    B. The wide spread sympathy/revulsion of the victim’s circumstances in the wake of the Jon-Benet performance videos- This kind of emotional stasis is the most effective way to inflict mass psychological manipulation and leaves further intuitive blame at the parent’s feet, leading away from the larger operation.
    C. The abduction of young girls from their beds by single intruders with no motive but their own mental illness terrifies at the most primal level, leaving the population easy prey for excessive governmental intrusion and surveillance. It further pressures the criminal element to turn false evidence towards patsies (ie, George Nassar re: Albert De Salvo) The Polly Klass case was similar in execution and multiple motives- most significantly, it was the progenitor of the three strikes law in California which turned multiple felons facing stiff sentencing into pliant informants.
    D. This strategy of tension is the bedrock of legal “reforms” that further the siege mentality of our expanding police state.

    There is an ongoing series of projects funded by the intelligence agencies of the US government which are colloquially expressed as Monarch Programming. This is a series of mind control projects, the objective of which is to develop multiple personalities in unwitting targets through trauma based conditioning. Altered personalities can then be used as messengers or assassins or sexual slaves in blackmail schemes who, when reverting to their dominant personality, have no recall of what they experienced in these altered states. These operations date back to the end of World War II and the integration of Nazi medical personnel through covert efforts such as Operation Paperclip. In the case of the Ramseys, Patsy Ramsey and her daughter were both subjected to what is known as Beta Programming. This level of programming eliminates moral convictions and stimulates a primitive sexual response to triggered stimulation. Triggers are often printed material, spoken words or visual clues in graphic form such as playing cards or magazine adverts, as well as combinations of sensory overload such as what a child experiences while participating in beauty pageants.

    The Zodiac Killings
    I don’t have the complete record of the Zodiac Killer but I have multiple sources who agree that the initial three killings were the work of another programmed assassin, Richard Linkletter, the son of television personality Art Linkletter. His sister, Diane, had contacted police about her brother and was summarily dispatched as a “drug induced suicide”. If you do pursue this case, you will run up against pertinent facts that don’t fit unless Linkletter is your suspect. However, even post mortem, Linkletter is not allowed to be identified in public. The toughest element to pin down is Charles Bates of the FBI. Researching his career is essential to understanding this case.

    OJ Simpson
    The path to understanding in this case leads directly to Joseph Ippolito and the international drug trade which placed the Ippolito crime family right in the White House during the Carter administration. OJ is no one’s idea of an upstanding citizen, but he did not commit the murders. Ron Goldman was a contract hit, one of five deaths connected to the mob owned Mezzaluna Trattoria restaurant, and was coordinated to fall at Simpson’s feet for his dropping a dime on Ippolito in court. This is mere speculation, but I would bet a year’s pay the killers were two off duty cops hired out for the evening. Their profiles will include Special Forces training, multiple leaves of absence, short time of employment with the LAPD, and likely relocation for a time to Sand Point, Idaho, a retirement community for the LAPD where debriefings are held for the department’s Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau.

    Richard Grissom
    Dan Mitrione Jr. the author you site regarding the Grissom case, is the son of Dan Mitrione Sr. who was a CIA asset murdered in Uraguay in 1970. The film State of Siege (1972) is a lightly fictionalized account of Sr.’s murder. Jr. joined the FBI in his twenties and eventually was convicted of drug smuggling and attempted murder. I mention this as an example of how the government pays off an undercover agent who turns bad. As compensation for keeping quiet about the Bureau’s wide ranging dependency on informants and agent collaborations with active criminals, “fallen” agents are given light sentences and later paid off through book contracts. In this case Mitrione Jr. taped interviews with people assigned to the Grissom case and a computer and ghost writer put the book together. Penn University and the Pennsylvania War College are two locations where computerized books giving certain spins to events are assembled.

    I will stop after this final claim: Murder Incorporated was a real phenomenon, a group of maintained killers for hire used sporadically by the government as well as organized crime. This organization gave way, after the usurpation of Sicilian/Jewish mobsters in the sixties by the Irish mobs, to contract killers developed by the CIA through trauma based programming. Satanic cult activity, for example, has been one of the primary covers for these made to order killers who require far less maintenance and are easily disposed of through prisons, or in recent years, suicide. Jared Lee Loughner, however, the most recent example of this programmed killer profile, was supposedly unable to complete his mission because he was subdued before committing suicide. His case represents a whole new level of engagement with the public imagination. The entirety of the Tuscon massacre was a staged event- I will not try and sell you on this, however, as the Agency has already initiated a rollover on this operation. They will allow a certain amount of information out on this case as being a “hoax” in order to cover the fact, and you needn’t take my word for it, that Judge Roll was murdered at home that morning and Rep. Giffords was drugged and taken away for a partial lobotomy. Why? The Judge was a thorn in the side of the CIA who is staging the blood bath in Juarez in an attempt to reorganize the drug cartel there. They like their criminal associates organized and answerable to a single authority. What’s happening in Northern Mexico is similar to the reorganization of the Mafia in the US in the late twenties and early thirties. Rep. Giffords is the distraction, but also eliminates what would have been a very likely presidential candidate in 2020. The men behind these events do not want a competent woman in the White House. They want someone to set the bar very low, like Palin or Bachmann, to show that competent women need not apply for the position.
    There can be no comprehension of the true nature of these popular crimes without understanding their political, psychological and sociological context. A study of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird is essential in understanding the filtering systems employed by corporate media to shape the context and meaning of official history...
    (especially in regards to the murder of JFK- Bonar Menninger? Really? Opponents on both sides of the picket fence agree that is the least plausible scenario of all! Must be a Kansas conspiracy-)
  5. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Cool stories, bro.
  6. Now I know why I can never find any tin foil around here.
  7. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Wow, I never actually thought anyone would tell me what they said they would tell me but then have to kill me. So now I am going to be killed. Thanks a lot, fastcheese.
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