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Bill Cunningham plans to "Peel the bark off" Obama

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Smallpotatoes, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I feel dirty that shithead Bill Cunningham deserves a thread of his own on SJ.
  2. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    Few people are in need of a Gatorade-bucket dousing of STFU more than Bill Cunningham.
  3. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    Bring it on, Pussycatingham.
    Somebody told Mrs. T. at work the other night Obama was a Muslim. Barak may need to develop some of the Clinton edge vis-a-vis responding to attacks.
  4. digger

    digger New Member

    It also looks like the republicans are about to run the "look, everything's great in Iraq'' gambit, too.

    Good luck with that. Two-thirds of the american people have already decided the Iraq war was a mistake and are holding their party responsible (for the most part, but Hillary's paying a price, too).

    If they're going to run on "The surge is working'', it's just going to remind everybody of everything that was wrong. And also that John McCain plans to stay there forever. Using a bunch of soldiers who should be somewhere else. And a ton of money that should be spent on something that doesn't just benefit oil companies.

    These guys are playing a hand that probably would have worked in 2000, or 2003, but not anymore.

    The great news for democrats and liberals: It looks Iraq could be for the republicans and conservatives what vietnam was for democrats.

    Their candidates will keep fighting this war for 30 or 40 years into the future, never willing to admit that too many of the american people are basically on the other side (democrats kept running as the anti-vietnam war party, at least a good chunk of them). And the public will keep rejecting it.
  5. Pencil Dick

    Pencil Dick Member

    As Kimmel pointed out last night in his opening monologue, Obama during his two years at Occidental College was known to friends and classmates as "Barry," which I don't think is a real popular name among the Prophet Muhammed's followers.
  6. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    From: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/02/27/cunningham.mccain/

    McCain should back up the bus and run over him again.
  7. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Sigh. Anxiously awaiting Reds baseball to start so I have better reason to turn on "The Big One" on the radio. Cunningham is losing more marbles every day.
  8. Bill Brasky

    Bill Brasky Active Member

    McCain needs a Sista Souljah moment where he curb stomps one of these right wing nutbags. It would certainly help him with moderates...and these loudmouths don't have nearly the political clout they like to think they have.
  9. Danny Noonan

    Danny Noonan Member

    Cunningham hasn't been playing with a full deck since about 1982. Nothing that comes from his mouth these days is a surprise in this corner. At least the dumb bastard isn't on any longer after the baseball games, not that there's any reason to keep the Big One on afterward.
  10. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Who is Bill Cunningham? I've never heard of the guy.
  11. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Honestly though, the country is as it is on that and do you really think there's not some potholes for a candidate who has a Muslim name? I mean my gosh, look what a Mormon went through. You guys are sticking your heads in the sand if after what we've gone through since 2001, that a name wouldn't be somewhat of a liability.
  12. jboy

    jboy Guest

    Agreed. The majority of people think the war is a mistake and wasn't worth it. A majority want the soldiers to come home either immediately or within a year. And this is McCain's ace up his sleeve?

    Maybe I'm naive, but "vote for me or you're going to die" is not going to work anymore. If that's all McCain has got, it's going to be a blowout.
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