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Best Press Box Food For College Football In the Nation?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by GRUDGE, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Waycross High School had a good deal at a state championship game. Catered from local BBQ join and Chick-Fil-A.

    North Carolina used to have a good spread. Auburn's was so good Brent Musburger would have the boys in the truck work up a graphic of the menu that day, and he'd show it, even if he wasn't working an Auburn game.

    Worst I've ever had: Notre Dame (purple hot dogs), FSU (BBQ -- from cans), Florida (you might get all teary and sentimental, because their spread is almost exactly like high school cafeteria food), Miami (Moldy paella with shrimp that might have caught a year before).
  2. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Waycross Ga, High? The Bulldogs?
  3. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Rather than pizza? I'm confused. Or do you mean THEN pizza for post-game?
  4. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    Sure, but they had enough wine to last for years when Tebow went upstairs and touched all the Evian bottles.
  5. doggieseatdoggies

    doggieseatdoggies New Member

    Oklahoma State mixed lasagna and tex-mex..some of the best I've had. If you go to the JethroDome, the food there is going to be really good. The Cotton Bowl has always been good.
  6. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    If you've been to "so many press boxes", do you really need everyone's help?

    And I hope this assignment came from the food section editor. Though it's still lame.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I was hoping it was an ethics assignment from J School.
  8. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    I'll pass on further ripping the story idea, though it deserves every bit of scorn it receives, and just say this:

    Gary Anderson's pheasant stew at UNO football games was top-notch.
  9. daytonadan1983

    daytonadan1983 Well-Known Member

  10. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    Unless this story is for a publication read mainly by sports writers, someone on the copy desk needs to rise up and spike it.

    I nominate:


    Because the reasoning behind this assignment is perhaps more flawed than the "kidnapped girl locked away from sports for 18 years" column. And it comes from the same narrow-minded way of thinking.

    Who ever assigned this story needs to get away from the myopic "I wonder ..." train of thought and think about what the publication's readers want or need to know.

    Out family went to a college game last Saturday. For the first time in a long time I went as a paying member of the general public. It wasn't a college I cover. A family member was being recognized before the game, so we went to a different stadium.

    We didn't know where to park, how to get there, when we needed to get there, etc.

    The tickets were $49 each (a cheaper rate for this university team), lame hotdogs were $3.50 and a BBQ sandwich was $6. We didn't get drinks because it was raining (no press box for us).

    We managed to find $10 parking in someone's yard about half a mile from the stadium. And told them we would likely leave at the half (raining, no ties to the teams, brought an 89-year-old aunt along). We stayed about five minutes into the second quarter, made it back to the car and it was locked in by other vehicles. The drunk woman propped up in the garage was of no help.

    It was far different from the times I've been paid to go to a game, sailed into a press parking lot close to the stadium, walked into a special entrance, and had access to a warm dry area from which to watch the game. Granted I was working. But the typical reader doesn't see the "work" part of that. The only reaction to a story such as this from general readers is going to to be envy and anger.

    A better idea might be to ditch the press pass and go to a college game for a team you don't cover and write from the prespective of the typical fan: What stadium has the best concessions for the general ticket holder might be a far better story idea (even that is pretty lame).

    Edited to add: Oh, and back in the days of yore, the Kansas Pork Council used to take over the press box food service for either one of the major universities once a year. Barbeque, pork chops, ham ... yum! I was too young and too hungry to recognize the irony at the time.
  11. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, Youngstown State has a pretty righteous spread.

    And I'll tenth the notion that this is an extraordinarily bad story idea.
  12. bwright

    bwright Member

    If you're in Memphis looking for Barbecue, the place to go is Germantown Commissary.
    Rendezvous is famous, the Commissary is legendary.
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