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Anyone hear Kornheiser on the Dan Patrick show?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by thebiglead, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Lugnuts, I may be guilty of being a longtime TK fan, but I also have had the opportunity to be around him a little bit. He is on TV as he is in real life (as is Wilbon) and I think the viewers and radio listeners realize that. As my Regular Sports Fan uncle, who had never met him, said of TK: "He's a jerk, but he knows it." And as critical as TK is of other people, he's just as critical of himself.

    And I think, as Whitlock apparently does too, that's where the warmth does come through. He says a lot of what he does in a way that makes you wonder whether he's being serious or not. But when he rips, the people on the other side deserve it 95 percent of the time. He did go overboard with the Sage Steele comments, however, over-reacting because he saw her as just another "head" who wasn't a real journalist. Now TK is learning that he's becoming a "head" too, and he's got to learn to deal with it.
  2. Perry White

    Perry White Active Member

    Kornheiser is called on the carpet by the Ombudsman: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/18/AR2006081801109_2.html

    Kornheiser said he knows he needs a thicker skin, "like Wilbon's. I feel terrible about the whole thing. A lot of people said I was good. This was by far the worst and it hurt most of all because it was in the paper I've worked at for 27 years. If it had been somewhere else, I would have been mad. But it happened in my own newspaper and I was hurt." He said he "never for a second" questioned that Farhi had the right to critique his debut. Kornheiser said that his radio remarks were "meant to be deliberately over the top to be entertaining. In print it looks a lot worse than it sounded on radio because you don't hear the inflection."
    Farhi's advice to Kornheiser was perfect: "Tony, grow up."

    And if he can't, he needs to go stand in the corner and calm himself.
  3. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Luggie, that's just a great post...

    And Kornheiser can just crawl away into the abyss that claimed Alex Karras, OJ Simpson and Dennis Miller
  4. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Great analysis, you formulated in words what I could never figure out in my brain about Kornheiser. His likability has always escaped me.
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