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An All-Star ethics debate

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by farmerjerome, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. pressmurphy

    pressmurphy Member

    I'm familiar with the situation.

    Firstly, I don't buy that the QB is D-I material. More to the point, though, it's what he did this year that matters, not what might be in store in his future.

    And to that end, I go with player A. I don't think the QB breathes the same rarified air that a few recent QBs from your area did. At least as importantly, as far as I'm concerned his senior season never happened. Had the facts emerged in September rather than August, there would have been no football season at said school, and your QB would have been the No. 7 runner on the cross country team.

    Take a cue from the people who dropped the team out of the state rankings altogether once the final appeal was denied.
  2. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

  3. farmerjerome

    farmerjerome Active Member

    Just to take this a step further, say a judge ruled that a team had to forfeit all of their wins. Do you put any players on an all-star team? Do any stats count?
    To pressmurphy, I'm surprised. At the very least I thought the kid was a superb qb. I wouldn't be shocked if he got looks at lower DI school. He's not going to start a title contender, but he's decent.
  4. pressmurphy

    pressmurphy Member

    I respect your opinion. I just don't see enough physical and mechanical attributes in the kid for a D-I to take a liking to him.
  5. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    You have seen him, I have note.

    But I read papers from all over the state every week.

    My impression was typical coach's kid quarterback, grew up with the game and in a system he's gonna look good in.

    I disagree with press on the folks dropping them. They were a great football team on the field.

    I do *not* think you penalize the kids for what happened.

    Just my opinion from out here in the counties. ;)
  6. Matt Stephens

    Matt Stephens Well-Known Member

    See, this I disagree with. MVP means most valuable to their team, Player of the Year is the best overall player.
  7. 1HPGrad

    1HPGrad Member

    Pretty sure Willie Williams would write in his diary you always pick the most dominant player and don't worry about all that off-the-field stuff.
    Feel free to disagree with Willie.
  8. albert77

    albert77 Well-Known Member

    We have a very similar situation going on nearby, involving girls basketball. Arguably the best player in the state, who signed with an SEC school, moved from one school to another amid allegations of recruiting. State association has already suspended the team where she's at now, for playing her after she was ruled ineligible, although the case is still tied up in court. Smart money says she'll end up playing out the season for a local private school that's a power in the academy ranks. If that happens, and she dominates as expected, then we may face a similar conundrum. So I'll be interested in seeing how your situation plays out.
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