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After years of sobriety, columnist returns to the bars

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Write-brained, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Um, which one specifically are you talking about?
  2. Leo Mazzone

    Leo Mazzone Member

    Jim DeMint
  3. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    Jim "We shouldn't have homosexuals teaching in our schools" DeMint

    The only time I've ever voted for a Democrat in my young life. People who know me will be shocked I voted for one even once. ;D
  4. Oh ... well there's a bunch in the state senate too ... wanted to be clear ..
  5. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    My bad. I should have established it was in the U.S. Senate.
  6. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    I too visit Charleston often and think Burger/Sapakoff is a very good one-two punch.

    (Hell, it's just refreshing to see a place that has two columnists, living in a town with a paper that has over twice the circulation of charleston but has just one sports voice. But that's beside the point.)
  7. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    Sapakoff had a great piece on 1A of Sunday's paper on Josh Hamilton. I was going to post it, but it's already been talked about here. My favorite time of the year growing up reading the P&C was right now. The NCAA Tournament was going on and I could read Sapakoff's dispatches from baseball's spring training.
  8. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    That was a really good column. He does a good job of writing short sentences that pack a lot of punch. The ending to this column had the hair standing on the back of my neck.
  9. Moland Spring

    Moland Spring Member

    This isn't the same Ken Burger who worked for Newsday, is it?
  10. luckyducky

    luckyducky Guest

    Hmm, perhaps I'll have to watch my liberal hippie ways when I'm in the Southeast next month. I keep forgetting it's a completely different way of life than here. ;-)
  11. no
  12. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    spnited - fuck dude, just a buncha hacks sitting sitting at their computers kicking around a column. nothing more, nothing less.
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