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Is this REALLY appropriate behavior from a professional journalist?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by hostility, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Raiders

    Raiders Guest

    Well, of course they won't fire him. He's a content producer!!!
  2. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    He's a writer and he said "the chick pilot did good ..."? Even if it is just on twitter, that kind of poor grammar should be unacceptable.
  3. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he should have said "the chick pilot done good."
  4. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    Dammit, I was gonna say that.
  5. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Joe Cowardley makes a mess then runs away from it, eh?
  6. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    More than Cowardley's Twitter account was suspended:

  7. Walter_Sobchak

    Walter_Sobchak Active Member

  8. Cousin Jeffrey

    Cousin Jeffrey Active Member

    You can't rip a co-worker repeatedly on your blog and twitter feed and then complain when you're busted. But he basically admits that too. Headline is a
    bit misleading.
  9. This...

    I though the first comment summed it up well ...

  10. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    This is like reading the Red Sox bitch about the Yankees spending too much money.

    And while I read the whole thing, I began to lose interest after encountering the word "dope" used to describe his job.
  11. Uncle.Ruckus

    Uncle.Ruckus Guest

    "Reprimanded appropriately," according to the Trib.

  12. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    The whole world needs a tall glass of STFU.
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