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Fate of Rocky Mountain News to be announced

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MileHigh, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    If a newspaper company quits publishing newspapers, what's it going to do? Sit around and count the money in the bank?
  2. dieditor

    dieditor Member

    No shit. Does he really think that "sorry" means anything?

    Just terrible. My heart breaks for everyone there.
  3. JBHawkEye

    JBHawkEye Well-Known Member

    From the RMN Twitter: "It's strange to cover your own funeral."
  4. Diabeetus

    Diabeetus Active Member

    You forget the blue font on that second question?
  5. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Oh Jesus. I just saw this news and I feel like I could throw up.

    I always preferred the RMN when I was out there. Great format, excellent work on stories, wonderful writers. All down the toilet.

    Good to see the Post will publish on Saturdays. Now take some money and beef up the rest of the damn paper, because it is an inferior product to the Rocky IMHO. Make the paper better, Dean, if you can do it.

    To Tracy and B.G. and the rest of the writing staff, you're in my thoughts. It's a dark day for Denver, which is now just another one-paper town and a less desirable place to visit. :(
  6. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    My thanks for everyone's thoughts. We all had a sense this day was coming. I woke up this morning with a sense of dread, that it was happening. I work a side job from home in the mornings and decided to work in the building today.

    Then there were outside photographers hanging out in the lobby. There was a sense of dread all morning.

    Then the e-mail just before noon.

    Tomorrow is the last paper. It will be more of a commemorative section. 52-page no-ad wraparound about the Rocky and its people. News inside, but not as much.

    We will have limited access to the building after tomorrow. No access to e-mail or our phones or computers. So get everything out by tonight.

    Tomorrow, we come in and will go over the financial situation.

    We are getting two months of pay, per the WARN act. Our last check for that will be May 8. Which is just great. It's my 40th birthday.

    Scripps is negotiating with the Guild on a severance package, and Scripps says they expect there will be one.

    I've been coming to Colorado since I was a little kid, when my grandparents retired here in the 1970s. I've always wanted to work and live in this market for as long as I can remember. I've been working in newspapers since I was in high school. It was like I was born with ink in my veins.

    After many tries, five years ago, I left the Miami Herald as the Sunday sports editor for what was a dream situation for me. Living and working in Denver.

    I don't regret it for one minute.

    It's crushing. It's devastating. But, life will go on. I've got great friends. Great family. A great support group.

    And if you go to the Rocky home page, I guess they decided to make me the poster face (for now) of the situation. That's me with my head in my hands. Though it probably will change out and will be in a slide show.

    Again, my thanks for everyone's thoughts. It really is quite comforting in this time of turbulence.

    Chuck Hickey
    Night sports editor/sports copy chief/sports copy editor
    Rocky Mountain News
    (For one more day at least)
  7. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    This is as insignificant as it gets in the scheme of things, but in looking at the pictures, I'm struck by this: You're putting a few hundred people out of work. Put a fucking tie on.
  8. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Damn it, MileHigh. You made it all dusty in here.
  9. JBHawkEye

    JBHawkEye Well-Known Member

    Best of luck to you, MileHigh, and everyone else there.
  10. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    You have always been one of those legit voices on this site, Chuck.

    My thoughts and best wishes of a super-quick rebound are with you and your RMN brothers and sisters.

    BTW, I saw a photo of a guy with a child in his arms. Wow.

    Don't think I would ever do that.
  11. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    I'll repeat it, MileHigh. You were the BETTER paper, by far. It's a dark day, yes, and you're in our thoughts.
  12. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Courage, MileHigh.

    Dammit all.
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